The United Kingdom warned that it would not pay the costs of Brexit if it did not reach a trade agreement with the EU


The United Kingdom will only pay the bill for the departure of the European Union that it accepts the framework of a future trade agreement, warned the new British Minister of Brexit .

"Article 50 Requires […]" There is a future framework for our new relationship, "Dominic Raab told the Sunday Telegraph, referring to the Article of the Treaty of Union European which states the exit of a country from the bloc

"It can not be that one side fills its share of the market and the other does not, or that it does not happen slowly, or that it does not commit, "said Raab." I think we need to make sure that there is some conditionality between the two. "

Raab has replaced Brexit as David Davis who resigned earlier this month because of his disagreement with the British Government in the negotiations on the departure of the European Union (EU)

Up 39, now the British government has sent confusing signals on the issue of the bill of divorce United Kingdom with the EU [194590] 06] 19659006] The cost of Brexit

The British Prime Minister, Theresa May agreed in December of a financial agreement between 35,000 and 39,000 million pounds (46,000-51 000 million dollars, 39 000-44 000 million dollars) which, according to the ministers, depends on future commercial links.

But some members of the Executive expressed their doubts about it

. Finance Minister Philip Hammond said shortly afterwards that he thought "inconceivable" that the UK is not paying his bill.

The United Kingdom's exit is scheduled for the end of March 2019 but both parties want to reach a divorce agreement by October, so that parliaments British and the European Union has enough time to give its approval.


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