The University of Kansas steals American blackened flag to represent American polarization


The University of Kansas steals an American flag with a splash of black paint and a black and white striped sock as part of an art exhibit on the current political climate.

The German artist Josephine Meckseper designed the flag that is He has traveled to a dozen locations in the United States, including KU, Cornell University, Texas State University, University Rutgers and University of South Florida, Campus Reform

. "The flag is a collage of an American flag and one of my drained paintings that looks like the contours of the United States," Meckseper explained on the Creative Time website. "I've split the shape of the country in half so that the design of the flag reflects a deeply polarized country in which a president is openly boasting of harassing women and withdrawing from the Kyoto Protocol and the Human Rights Council." 39, man of the United Nations. "

and the white sock on my flag takes on a new symbolic meaning in light of the recent incarceration of immigrant children at the border, "added Meckseper. "Let's not forget that we all come from somewhere and that we are only recent occupants of this country – Aboriginal cultures have been better able to take care of this continent for thousands of years before us. time that our differences unite us rather than divide us. "

The Meckseper flag is part of a larger project since June 2017, titled" Pledges of Allegiance ", which features 16 different artists. questions that interest them.

"We realized that we needed a space to resist that is not defined in opposition to a symbol, but in support of one, and so we have created a permanent space. The flag seemed to be an ideal form for building this space around practice and symbolism, "said Nato Thompson, creative director of Creative Time, on the project's website

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