The Venezuelan Church accuses Maduro of putting his policy before the humanitarian situation


The Venezuelan Episcopal Conference (CEV) on Wednesday accused the head of state, Nicolás Maduro to put his political project before the humanitarian situation, which he considers urgent In a document, the bishops assert that Maduro is "the main culprit" of the crisis raging in the country "for having put his political project before any other consideration, even humanitarian "

" The government appears before the country as a victim of external and internal management, which is nothing more than the confession of its inability to manage the country, "reads the text, read in front of the media by Monsignor Manuel Felipe Díaz, archbishop of Calabozo, state of Guarico (north).

The text adds that "the majority of the population does not have the means to cope with the monstrous hyperinflation." The life of Venezuelans, already extremely precarious, is deteriorating day by day. 19659005] Political Prisoners

The Bishops also mention the so-called "political prisoners" of the country, who on Monday launched a new riot in the dungeons of the headquarters of intelligence services in Caracas to denounce the alleged ill-treatment and mediation of the Office of the Prosecutor to comply with the release measures already agreed by the courts.

"As long as there are political prisoners and opponents he denies his right to run for political elections, there will be no free and sovereign electoral process," said the president. Church the same day that the municipal ballots were called in the country to choose 4 900 posts on December 9 ]

Venezuela the country which owns the largest proven reserves of oil on the planet, suffered a serious economic crisis which resulted in shortages and hyperinflation ation a phenomenon that pulverized the purchasing power of workers

"There is a need to Venezuela of a political leadership that puts at the center of its reflections and actions the people … the leaders of the opposition must offer the people alternatives to change, "added the religious. 19659002] The Church and the Government v have maintained public differences since the coming to power of the Chavismo which has ruled the country since 1999 and accuses the bishops to exercise political proselytizing. ( EFE )

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