The video shows Luka Modric taking care of goats in a mountain full of wolves at the age of five


Luka Modric captain of the Croatian National Team who will play this Sunday the final of the 2018 Russian World Cup against France, cared for goats in a mountain full of wolves when he was a child, informs this Sunday the press of his country.

The pictures show the future footballer in the Velebit Mountain, where he grew up as a child in conditions of unspoiled nature preserved in some corners of the world, reports the electronic newspaper Index . In the movie "Wolf Attack Sequence", recorded at Velebit in 1990, appears in the second minute the little Luka, then five years old, taking care of goats in the mountains.

Unexpected Appearance

Today the Real Madrid midfielder was born in September 1985 in Zadar (then Yugoslavia), in a humble family of shepherds who lived in Velebit. The author of the documentary, Pavle Balenovic, stated Index that the purpose of the documentary was to "contribute to a better understanding of the wolves and to a negative attitude change to their respect". He said that, filming the film, he met the Modric family, "the good people," who lived in the area.

Luka Modric appears in the video of the second minute

"I filmed my friend and son [Luka Modric] while they were gathering a flock of goats .. and they locked them up in a sheepfold, and not long after, the war destroyed their home, like many people in the area, "said Balenovic. The documentary says that for a long time he did not know what had happened with this family, with this child, whose beloved grandfather was executed in front of his house, and who had to take refuge in Zadar

Dangerous area

years ago, I knew that the little boy who was helping his father in my video is Luka Modric, "says Balenovic.Also, the author recalls that the area became full of antipersonnel mines during the war and that due to this and other changes, most humans and animals have left the area.

Balenovic, lover of the wolves Nature, believes that Modric had an extraordinary chance of being able to live and grow like a child in this beautiful region when it was still intact. "Luka Modric, who spent his early childhood in a wolf habitat, a unique and genius creature, and every generation after him, should be proud of that" , he concludes.


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