The warning of Europe to Donald Trump: "Appreciate your allies, you do not have many" – 07/10/2018


US President Donald Trump is flying Tuesday night in Brussels for the NATO summit on Wednesday and Thursday, and the Europeans are already preparing for a meeting that could end at the following. Trump has left his mark on Twitter: "The United States spends much more than any other country to protect them (Europeans) .This is not fair to the American taxpayer."

Washington wants European governments to spend more on defense for at least 2% of their GDP, a rate that by the end of this year, according to data from the Atlantic Alliance itself will reach only eight countries. But Trump also wants additional spending to be made by buying US military equipment and that Europeans seem to be doing so through EU funds that could leave competition to US companies.

Trump's tweet responded to European Council President Donald Tusk to remind him that Europeans are already spending more on defense than Russia or China and that solidarity is "more important than money". Tusk wrote: " appreciate your allies, because after all you do not have many . Money is important, but true solidarity is more important."

Tusk continued: "Europeans are currently spending on defense more than Russia and as much as China, and I think you should have no doubt, Mr President, that it is about an investment in common European and European defense and security, something we can not say with confidence about Russian or Chinese spending. "

Tusk also reminded Trump that Europeans were the first to offer aid to the United States after the attacks of September 11, 2001 and that they fought alongside US soldiers in Afghanistan. 870 brave European men and women sacrificed their lives. "

Another question

The row may explode because of military spending but also for other issues, such as the trade war already opened between Europe and the United States or the US abandonment of the Paris Agreement against climate change and the Iranian nuclear deal, which Europeans are trying to save despite the Washington threat of sanctioning any European venture that maintains business in Iran.

Tusk warned European leaders June 28, according to the British newspaper "The Times", that Donald Trump embarked on a "serious and consistent mission" against NATO , the European Union and the World Trade Organization He also told them that the White House tenant "has a method and is serious in his mission against a rules-based international order." It goes against what we stand for. "

Europeans fear that Trump will make Europe sing with security so that it will give in to its commercial pretensions." The meeting at NATO is officially dedicated to celebrating unity. and the modernization of the Atlantic Alliance.

Angela Merkel's Germany seems to be the main European goal of Trump. Merkel defends all Trump Attacks: opened the door to more than a million refugees in a single year, does not want to increase its military spending and defends the tough European response against the new US tariffs.For Trump, the EU is nothing more that an instrument in the service of Germany and a political project that was created to "take advantage of the United States."

Trump's visit also generated a problem of diplomatic logistics for the Belgian government Likewise now that the Air Force One has to land l & # 39; Brussels airport, the & # 39; Belgian national team will play the semifinals of the World Cup against the French. Neither King Philip nor Prime Minister Charles Michel nor Foreign Minister Didier Reynders will go to the airfield to receive Trump. The three will be in Russia to cheer on their team


The NATO summit will not be the only event of this new trip to Europe. On Friday the 13th, he will be in London, where he will see Queen Elizabeth. And July 16 will meet face to face with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki.

Brussels, special

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