The White House rejects the Russian referendum proposal for Ukraine


The White House on Friday rejected an initiative backed by Vladimir Putin for the realization of a referendum in eastern Ukraine on the future of the region, marking his remoteness from such an idea after the summit controversial between President Donald Trump and the Russian president.

Russian Ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov, said the two leaders spoke at the Helsinki summit on the possibility of holding the referendum in the separatist East from Ukraine.

However, the spokesman for the Trump National Security Council, Garret Marquis, pointed out that the agreements between Russia and the Ukrainian government for the settlement of the conflict in the Donets Basin region do not include this option, and that trying to organize one is "illegitimate".

The statements found were leaked while the White House outlined the agenda for the second proposed summit between Trump and Putin – in Washington this year – which will focus on national security.

Moscow alluded to its opening for a second formal meeting between the two leaders, although the US president's first meeting with his Russian colleague continues to elicit criticism in the United States.

A White House official said the meeting between Trump and Putin would address the national security concerns discussed in Helsinki, including Russian interference.

The official did not specify when he was referring to the Russian interference in the US elections in 2016. The official, who requested anonymity, added that the talks would also cover the proliferation of nuclear weapons, North Korea, Iran and Syria.

Putin would not visit Congress when he arrived in Washington

A ladder that Putin will surely not make will be on the Capitol.
Democratic Representative Nancy Pelosi asked Speaker Paul Ryan to say that Putin would not be invited to Congress when he went to Washington. According to Pelosi, Trump's "terrifying adulation" to Putin is a shame and a serious threat to our democracy.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had a more optimistic view of the possible summit.

At the United Nations, Pompeo said "happy that the leaders of two such important countries continue to meet, and if this meeting is held in Washington, it seems to me that it is good." These conversations are incredibly important. "

] It is unclear whether the summit would take place before or after the November legislative elections in the United States.

A meeting at the White House would give much more legitimacy to the Russian leader, than it would be. West has long isolated because of Russia's activities in Ukraine, Syria and other latitudes, and the belief that it has been ingested in the 2016 presidential elections in which Trump won No Russian leader has visited the White House in nearly a decade.

US officials have remained silent about what the two leaders agreed to, though they did not agree. during their two-hour private meeting in Helsinki, National Intelligence Director Dan Coats said on Thursday that he had not yet been informed of this session.

The Government Russian was a little more open in his position.
"The question (of the ref erendum) was discussed, "said Antonov, adding that Putin has presented" concrete proposals "to Trump on a solution to Moscow-backed insurgency that lasted four years in eastern Ukraine, where he left more of 10,000 dead.

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