The woman accused of poisoning dozens of dogs in Parque Avellaneda spoke: "I love animals" – 07/10/2018


The woman accused of her alleged responsibility in the poisoning of dozens of dogs in Parque Avellaneda broke the silence and defended herself against the accusations against her: "I love dogs, j & rsquo; Love the animals "

After the denunciation of the neighbors of the area, the Justice porteño opened an extensive investigation. Haydee Ordas aged 65, was detected throwing a suspicious substance near a tree

With this picture, the prosecutor Matías Michienzi, in charge of the unit specializing in environmental issues, asked for a search warrant in the house, where was found a drum with a very toxic substance called Furadán.

In dialogue with America TV, Ordas assured that in the security camera images did not throw poison, but launched "sunflower seeds that he had eaten". "As I do not like to dirty the sidewalks, I threw them at the stonemason." Where is the dust? ", He notes.

About the poisonous substance found in her apartment Avenida Avenida at 3.700, the woman explains: they gave her to dry some trees that were there. When I moved to Buenos Aires, five years ago, everything I had in my house, I brought it. When the police searched and found that. I did not even remember that he was there. As he came packaged, it's like that. "

Ordas also denied that he took angry dogs after killing his cat." It's a lie, I've never had a cat. I love dogs, I love animals ", note.

In addition, he claimed that this charge is a" trap "against him. " I do not know what is the purpose of dirtying my name. I have never had a problem. "I'm always the same, the one who believes me well, and the one who does not, it does not matter", closed.

  The neighbors made an escrache in the doorway of the woman's building. (Photo: Marcelo Carroll)

Neighbors made an escrache on the door of the woman's building. (Photo: marcelo Carroll)

In a note published by Clarín four months ago, neighbors denounced the killing of pets. All dogs had the same symptoms and all moved in a radius that became a no-go zone. It is the perimeter between Direction, Lacarra, José Rodó and Martínez Castro, and also a few blocks from Tandil