The woman who saved the life of a 15-year-old Argentinian has disappeared

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This afternoon, Florence completed a training in a company and walked a few blocks with two colleagues. They said goodbye when a young man stood in front of her and threw the backpack on the floor. The afternoon in Lima was icy and Florence, instead of dodging and continuing, was looking at her: he was undressed, his hands were black with dirt, his clothes were broken and a recent injury was going through him the eye, the forehead and the face. "I knew that he was not aggressive, as we could see, he was like a child in the body of an adult," says Florence Florence Arce, a Peruvian, to Infobae. The woman – who is a psychologist and coach – asked her questions and made her understand that she had an Argentine accent and that she called Ariel Nacer. Doubt is settled: what's an Argentinian lost and injured in the streets of Lima? For fear of forgetting the voluble data she was answering, Florence pulled out her mobile phone to record it but those who had gathered around her agreed in a cry: Do not do not go out! He will steal it!

Without knowing what to do, call a citizen security officer. The man replied: "Djelo ah seora, is an addict." She, annoyed, returned to him: "This is not the case, and if it was the case, you are there to help people." A street vendor advised him to call the municipality's civilian police. "They told me that in these cases it is appropriate to evacuate," he says again. "I told him," Are you telling me that I have to take him out of here and put him where he does not spoil his eyes?

The hours passed – her children and grandchildren were waiting at home – when Florence decided to take her by taxi to a police station, the first taxi even not the second, Florence hid Ariel and a group taxi. They could help her and send her to a center that cares for abused women, where they also said no. "Florence went back to the police, furious."

"Look," he said to the policeman, "I'm Peruvian, I paid my taxes all my life, this country does not give me health for free do not give me free education or security.Therefore, I ask that they give what they do not give me. "The deputy commissioner was eventually moved, and several police officers let Ariel through , helped him to bathe and let him spend the night in an office. saba but nine months ago Ariel (30 years old) lives on the street.

I went home to midnight but barely "I've uploaded this video to Facebook because I thought it was lost and that someone else might know it." His computer, however, has received dozens of messages from Argentina and other Peruvian cities.The video has already been seen nearly 3,000,000 times.

"As I began to rebuild his h istory. What we know today is that I lived at the age of 13 with a Peruvian transvestite in Constitucin. There are some who say that the transvestite is treating him like he was his mother, but there are many who say that he has not only exploited it sexually, but that he He also used it to sell drugs. In one way or another, she brought it to Per, but the transvestite died in October and was left on the street. "15 years ago, Ariel had been reported as" Endangered "in Argentina

sweet potatoes and olives, fruit, cheese and juice, I also bought a shirt white, pants and I went back to the police station to have breakfast with him. "We went up to the Argentine consulate. I was so happy that I thought, "They will be happy to have saved it" "But that's not what happened." 1965-1992 "Cnsul attached, Mercedes Arbasetti, treated me very badly, I felt that I was carrying a garbage bag and that she did not want to put it in her office." She was informed that " the procedure "was for Ariel to answer if she wanted to return to Argentina." The diagnosis of psychosis, I undressed at the office. I said, "Do not you see that he can not answer alone? They do not help him, he will go back to the street." The official, she assures, "shrug your shoulders, as you say, and what do you want me to do?"

Meanwhile, the videos have more and more visits At the consulate, they told her that They were going to occupy him, but they took him to a detoxification center where, a short time before, they had killed an inmate and threw him in the street. I thought, "What did I get out of the street?"

Florence called the TV cameras, traveled with a mobile phone, made a hidden camera but could not find it: Someone had won out, the desperation was absolute because, at that time, several versions agreed that Ariel was a survivor of the slave trade and the only one in the world. sexual exploitation and could look for it so that the truth not to be revealed

"At the consulate, they did not want to tell me where they had taken it. I tell them "what lack of humanity, it is a fellow Argentine, it could be your brother". Florence told another video of what was happening, added other Argentineans and created the hashtag #WorldEstaAriel.

He told the story of the "miracle" of his appearance, Florence sat down on his computer and called all psychiatric hospitals in Lima. Until I found it. "They had deposited it, without clothes, without anything to clean." The nurse who followed begged her to go there. For the next week and a half, Florence went every day to take her soap, remove the dirty clothes and take the one she was washing, and sign the ordinances for which she was given the medication

. Facebook had already discovered that her biological mother had schizophrenia and had lived on the street for years, that her father was dead and that Ariel had three brothers, all very young. "I thought it was important that his sister, who is 21, come to see him." As the girl could not afford the ticket or the stay, Florence had another idea.

Her children wrote to three airlines to see if they could pay the ticket to the girl. None – among them, Aerolneas Argentinas – contest. "Then I contacted those who were most aware of the case on Facebook and I proposed to set up a small, closed group to collect some money." had said "you're not Angel of Ariel". The group called "The Angels of Ariel."

This same day they collected the 700 dollars of the passage.They wrote to several chains of hotels to know if they could deposit it and, as in the beginning they did not have an answer, a living Argentinean in Spain has booked an apartment in Lima for Airbnb. "Then a chain of five-star hotels offered to host it for a week, and they did not want that to be known, they said:" Seora, we do not do it for advertising, it is a humanitarian problem. "

You would have seen his little face when the hospital door opened and he l? at sight, 17 years ago, he did not see his little sister. Paola, her sister, remembered that Chocolinas had had tea together and that she had brought a package with the hope that the flavor would help her remember her.

"The pressure was such that the consulate told me that they had arranged everything: all three for Argentina and the one at the airport would move Ariel to Ezeiza Hospital, I was happy, but again I was wrong, "he said," They arrived in Buenos Aires nine days ago. "We landed at five in the morning, when we arrived at the hospital, they knew nothing, they offered to stay on a stretcher in the hallway, with this cold. "

Florence spoke with" Los Angeles "and together, the money to pay a room in a cheap hotel and a carer.But the money was finished last Sunday, when the Peruvian had three days to return to Lima. "Meanwhile, in Argentina everyone had been informed of the big meeting, but no, there was no happy ending, "she says.

Florence did not know where to go, where to find her birth certificate, how to make an identity card, where can I live? No one from any region of the government had contacted her. A lady from Los Angeles offered to house him in a province that, for reasons of prudence, they prefer not to reveal. All accepted and put money to pay for a therapeutic assistant.

On Tuesday, when they were leaving, Infoabe contacted the city's Ministry of Human Development and Housing. They did not know the case but they undertook to take care of it. Ariel was transferred to Muiz Hospital (infection) to begin making a complete diagnosis of his condition. On Saturday afternoon, however, the young man escaped when Martn, the "angel" who took care of him, went to buy food. From Lima, Florence returned to despair.

At the hospital, they gave notice to the police and found it on the street yesterday at noon. Now you will receive a new diagnosis of your mental health condition. Depending on the outcome (they will assess, for example, whether they may be alone or in need of permanent care), they will define an integral treatment and where they will live.

"It is that if the state does not help him, he will be left in the state did not protect him when he was a kid and he was in the street with his mother, nor after, when he was kidnapped and sexually exploited, he's not a disposable human, do not you think he's suffered enough? The plane that brought her back to Lima on Thursday … Florence is very scared: the threats she receives on social networks give her the directive that there is "something dark".
It was June 11th that the cold and wet afternoon where Ariel was standing in front of Florence and threw the backpack on the floor.All the plot, with an open end, was developed in less than a month.Why Florence, why did a street kid call ?, that's the question.

"This question makes me cry," he replies. only the Argentineans did to me in Lima, you do not see people who i live in the street, the poor sell, live in precarious homes but do not sleep outside, Ariel caught my attention precisely because I lived and slept in the street: something had happened to him … when i I landed in Argentina, I saw that it was common here, with all the respect that I say: it hurts me that they are used to it. "

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