The X BRICS summit ends with the desire to broaden ties with developing countries


JOHANNESBURG, South Africa. (EFE) .- The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) closed today their X Summit with a meeting with more than twenty invited countries in which they expressed their strategic will Expand their links with other emerging countries.

The bloc's leaders reaffirmed in Johannesburg their commitment to multilateralism and free trade and to be a platform for cooperation that not only benefits the five partners, but also the others. "We need to develop cooperation," said Chinese President Xi Jinping during the third and final day of the summit, which was held at the Sandton Conference Center, Johannesburg's financial district. 19659002] As host and current president of the bloc, South Africa had stressed that the summit was particularly aimed at Africa and, for this, had invited many heads of state nations like Zimbabwe, Senegal, Rwanda or Namibia, among others.

Everyone had the opportunity to express their position, with a broad consensus that the BRICS can be an important ally for the development of the continent. in terms of infrastructure, industrialization or agriculture.

"We do not want to continue to export raw materials for which we only get 10% of the value," said Ugandan President Yoweri Musevini

. "We want the BRICS agenda for Africa to be as intense as it is intense, Brazil's historical and emotional connection to this continent," said Brazil's President, Michel Temer, who emphasized that the bloc "can and should be an ally of African development"

"Africa is one of the most dynamic places to do business Besides African leaders, representatives of others Regions also attended the meeting, such as the President of Argentina, Mauricio Macri, or the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

"The escalation of unilateral measures and retaliation have an impact systemic potential for growth and exert pressure on the effectiveness of multilateralism, "said Mr. Macri in his speech, in which he agreed with the position they were insisting on: the BRICS from the beginning of the summit, last Wednesday

Bie Although there were no direct mentions, this cross-cutting message to all working sessions was read as a clear allusion to the unilateral and protectionist drift of the United States. under the government of President Donald Trump.

The BRICS, which represent more than 40% of the world's population and 23% of the world's gross domestic product, they have also advanced in other aspects beyond the purely economic and political.

The summit was on the table topics such as the establishment of a working group on peace and security, an expansion of collaboration in areas such as culture, tourism and sports -with examples such as film festivals or football championships between partners-, an aviation agreement or the program on gender equality.

The exceptional role of the New Development Bank was also evaluated. , created by the BRICS in 2014 to finance infrastructure and sustainable development projects in partner countries and in other emerging economies.

In this sense, bloc members closed in Johannesburg the creation of a new regional headquarters for Latin America. the financial institution, which will open in Sao Paulo.

Another axis of the summit was how to face the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution or "The BRICS countries are determined to work together to be at the forefront of leadership in the fourth industrial revolution," said today. South African President Cyril Ramaphosa. From the summit

Before the press, Ramaphosa hailed the meeting as "successful" and considered the group very "lively", full of "innovative ideas."

"Ultimately, we want to see a world that works on the basis of cooperation, mutually beneficial solutions, collaboration and solidarity," concluded the South African leader. (By Nerea González)

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