Theodore McCarrick, the cardinal accused of abuse and detained by papal order | Trade | World


Pope Francis on Saturday accepted the resignation of the Cardinal of Theodore McCarrick former Archbishop of Washington and one of the most prominent personalities of the Catholic Church of the United States. United, which has been at the center of several allegations of sexual abuse of minors and young seminarians.

McCarrick a priest who was promoted to bishop and archbishop in the archdiocese of New York before his transfer to Washington in 2001, is one of the most well-known American Cardinals in the field.

Although he was officially retired, he was still traveling, especially to defend human rights. He has been particularly active in defending the measures taken against pedophile priests in the United States.

In a statement issued June 20, Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York explained that his diocese had received reports of alleged abuse of power. McCarrick dating back to "almost 45 years".

According to the Children's Charter, adopted in 2002 by the American bishops following the pedophile scandal that rocked the diocese of Boston "Cardinal Dolan pointed out that an independent agency" conducted an investigation whose results have sent to a committee that considered the allegations "credible and supported".

Theodore McCarrick "though he maintains his innocence, accepts this decision" Cardinal Dolan said, noting that the Vatican had asked the emeritus archbishop of Washington not to not "publicly exercise his ministry". [1] 9659007] According to The Washington Post, Theodore McCarrick reportedly abused a teenager.

His resignation from the title of cardinal is an exceptional event. According to the Vaticanists, the only case where a cardinal renounced his life dates back to 1927, during the pontificate of Pius XI, who accepted the resignation of French Cardinal Lois Billot

Source: Agencies

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