There is no democratic civil war – at least, not yet


For proof, look no further than the efforts of the main season of Senator Bernie Sanders, de facto leader of the Progressive Uprising inspired by his 2016 presidential campaign.

Last week, Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 28-year-old Social Democrat who defeated outgoing Democratic Representative Joe Crowley in the 14th Congressional District of New York, campaigned for a pair of progressive primary candidates in Kansas: James Thompson and Brent Welder. Both run for a chance to overthrow the Republican incumbents. Ocasio-Cortez will be in Michigan this weekend to support Abdul El-Sayed, who was approved by Sanders on Wednesday, as he seeks to overthrow his in the Democratic primaries of state. The winner will be the Republican successor to GOP Governor Rick Snyder. Earlier this month, Sanders stumbled with Minnesota representative Keith Ellison, who is vying for the Democratic nomination in the race to the Attorney General, during a trip that also taken to Wisconsin, where he appeared Tammy Baldwin and the hope of the Democratic Congress Randy Bryce. After that: Pennsylvania, for a rally with Braddock Mayor John Fetterman, the Democratic candidate for the lieutenant governor. Fetterman has defeated the current lieutenant governor in his primary and is likely to replace him, blue for blue – if a different hue – in November.

All the candidates described here have at least a few things in common. To start with, they mainly share – to varying degrees – Sanders policy and support some or all of their political priorities. But just as importantly, and perhaps more so given the current balance of power in Washington, none of them represents a clear risk for Democrats to demand majorities in the House and / or the United States. Senate.

In fact, a look at the congressional map before the 2018 deadline may find a candidate who, by inscribing a primary upheaval, endangered what the forecasters considered an opportunity to choice for the Democrats in November. But even then, Kara Eastman, a Democrat House candidate in Nebraska's 2nd District, is not the sort of ideologue condemned as Republicans of the Tea Party were looking to escape from senatorial seats eminently winnowing. 2010 and 2012.

For re-election to the Senate, only Joe Manchin in West Virginia faced a significant progressive challenge – from Paula Jean Swearengin, who eventually lost about 40 percentage points to the holder in May.

difficult to grasp in the heat of an election season, especially the first of the Trump era, but for all the screaming and ferocious online quarrels and the increasingly competitive primary and regional competitions , the Democrats have maintained this year a diverse political coalition ideology.

There is credit to be made. The progressive left, with Sanders as an example, has for the most part avoided fights that could harm the party's unity (and its prospects) in November. The Democratic establishment, meanwhile, has taken steps to embrace more politics at the grassroots level. And where these tactics have not been tried or taken, there is always the specter of Trump.

The political left, in the broadest sense, is uniform in its disgust towards him, his administration, and his policies. While a democratic socialist, such as Ocasio-Cortez, and a moderate liberal, like Chuck Schumer, his New York compatriot and leader of the senatorial minority, would certainly be different in their analyzes of how Trump came to power , their most pressing goal is the Idem: help the Democrats elect the House, the Senate, the state legislatures and the governors' mansions.

This period of good feelings, of course, accompanies a fairly fixed expiry date

On November 7, or perhaps late into the night, the Democrats will enter in a less peaceful phase. Once the dialogue is over, the factions within the party will start drafting 2018 instant mortars, keeping an eye on "what it means" for 2020.

The presidential primary follows figures of a few million degrees warmer and more tense. Only a decade of Democratic politics weighs in the balance, with the potential – if things go wrong – of four more years with Trump at the White House.

But all that is for later. For the moment, the ditches are empty and the directive is clear. Democrats might want to enjoy it while they can.

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