They are temptation: singer reveals when she will give birth [FOTOS] | Photo 1 of 5 | Shows | Farándula


The singer of His Tentación Angie Chávez as many celebrities, decided to answer questions about Instagram to interact with his followers, who s & dquo; worried the participation of the singer after she gave birth to her little Luna Belen.

Angie Chávez, as well as the group His Tentación commented via Instagram that there is no nothing to fear, he will come back as soon as it will be ready. She also confessed that she is 39 weeks pregnant and reveals that it is not long before she has her baby.

"No later than Monday … if I do not get any contractions before, but it seems like it's very comfortable inside, because I have not had a single boredom, "replied the member of S on Tentación to Instagram .

The singer Angie Chávez He also revealed that it was Expects to have a normal delivery instead of a caesarean section. "I ask Diosito that everything goes smoothly, to be natural."

Recall that in June, the singer of His Tentación took a baby shower where his friends of the group accompanied him, Paula Arias who is also pregnant.

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