They arrest the sisters for racism; they shouted "big Mexicans!


Sisters arrested for racism; they shouted "big Mexicans!

DENVER, Colorado.

The sisters, Natasha and Shala Fross, 26, were arrested and face charges of assault and socially biased crimes.

"These girls were going crazy, I had never seen them before, they lived here, so it was strange," said one of the affected women.

In the material, you can see and hear women shout racist slurs to the Hispanic family. Juan Carlos Ruiz, who recorded the incident on video, said the Fross sisters grabbed his mother by the hair and beat her sister.

She continued that she was trying to "interpose," the Frosses called the family "Big Mexicans."

Rocío Ruiz, the daughter of one of the women who was attacked, said her mother had informed her that the Fross sisters had followed her, but it was unclear why.

The Office of the Prosecutor


A text by Ximena Mejía published in these pages brings us closer to this social phenomenon.

Racism, behavior from the cradle

Discrimination by color is born in the family and is socially accepted: experts; there is a strong ideological presence of the tone of the skin as a social aspiration

Racism and discrimination by skin color is socially accepted and reproduced in the first area of ​​any citizen: family, d & # 39; accord Evelia Reyes, historian College of Mexico, and writer and researcher Federico Navarrete

Specialists argue that racism depends on family ties, this from the study of the National Institute of statistics and geography (Inegi) that he has made known intergenerational Social Mobility Module (MMSI) that a Mexican with darker skin color faces greater obstacles to stand out in the academic, professional and social sphere.

"Racism in a racist society like Mexico is inevitable Racism is something we learn in our early childhood, in the same way that our parents, our teachers, the people of the street distinguish people by their skin color, "said Navarrete, who presented this year in his book. Mexican Alphabet a series of comments and racist terms used by Mexicans unconsciously.

The historian Evelia Reyes considered that the fathers and mothers of the new generations have for mission to eradicate the "practices and sayings" "Racists who were accepted by the same state to form a national miscegenation ideal during the formation of the institutions in the postrevolución.

"I believe that the state has to do with this idea that Mexico is a mixed race state This has to do with the construction of a post-revolutionary state that has denied the indigenous party", she said.

For the student of Mexican society, a practice that could help diminish the idea of ​​depreciating the natives of the house would be to implement the use of traditional clothing in schools, instead of uniforms, in states with a larger indigenous population, to be proud of the roots.

the ideological presence of skin color as a social aspiration, this is brought home as an aspirational and social element that a certain breed is better; These practices could lead to a change of mentality, "he said.

Reyes pointed out that criminal sanctions will not change the situation of racism, the institutional commitment should rather be to create strategies to arouse empathy, respect and tolerance, as well as to sensitize the population through the cases of racism and discrimination that have affected genocides and social movements as in Germany and Africa. consequences of racism need to be demonstrated, to allow for more tolerance and empathy, but it's a long-standing process, it will not change overnight, "he said. This is not the origin of the key issues facing the country, but the continuing decadence and for which there are racist expressions that hide the problems of poverty, violence and intolerance that must be addressed. be first resolved


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