They ask the French Minister of Foreign Affairs to intercede for the release of Eduardo Cardet during his visit to Cuba


The Christian Liberation Movement (MCL) has asked French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian to intervene for the release of activist Eduardo Cardet during his visit to Cuba on Saturday, according to the Catholic News Agency Aciprensa .

Drian is the first member of the government of President Emmanuel Macron who visits the island and will meet Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez. His arrival coincides with the first hundred days of Miguel Díaz-Canel as president of the country.

In his letter, the MCL asked Drian "to intercede with the Cuban authorities for the freedom of his national coordinator, Eduardo Cardet (elected in 2014 the successor of Oswaldo Payá) and recognized as a prisoner of Opinion. "

The letter was issued by writer Zoé Valdés, residing in Paris, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where officials explained that they knew of Cardet's case and that "soon" the minister would have the letter in his hands.

In the letter, the opposition movement states that Cardet "was violently arrested on November 30, 2016 at the door of his house" in Holguín, and subsequently he was convicted of a charge. alleged crime of assaulting the authority in a "manipulated lawsuit".

The three-year prison sentence aims to "prevent his peaceful activism for democratic change in law from the law in Cuba," says the text

The three-year prison sentence is "d & To prevent their peaceful activism for a democratic change from law to law in Cuba, especially to coordinate the campaign "A Cuban, a vote that calls for changing the current electoral law to be democratic and inclusive," writes the text .

This week, the NGO UN Watch filed a complaint with the Working Group on Arbitrary Detentions of the UN to demand that the island authorities release Cardet. The lawyers of the organization registered the case against the Cuban State on July 23 before this independent body of the UN formed of five jurists and experts in human rights .

A Watch denounces that since his arrest Cardet has received he was deprived of medical care, visits by a priest and "routine" manner, as well as members of his family, and he was deprived of freedom under deposit

. Six months as Cardet's "punishment for family campaign for liberation" and state security agents "harassed" and monitor the dissident's family.


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