They find in Peru what could be the largest "white gold" mine in the world


According to Ulises Solís, director of the mining company Macusani Yellowcake what could be the largest lithium reserve in the world was discovered in Peru. After explorations in his Falchani field in the Puno region in the south of the country, they estimated the existence of several million pounds of "high quality" lithium.

The company, subsidiary of the multinational of Canadian origin Energy Plateau is now seeking partners, since needs "an initial investment of 800 million dollars " said Solis.

According to company information, the mines of Chile and Bolivia have an average content of 500 parts per million (ppm), while this deposit is up to seven times higher, between 3,500 and 4,000 ppm. They also pointed to the existence of 125 million pounds of uranium. However, for the moment only 15% of the area has been drilled.

For its part, Laurence Stefan chief of operations of Plateau Energy, said that this discovery will benefit Peru beyond mining exploitation, since all the l & # 39; The investment needed to extract and refine the mineral leads to significant industrial development, at least in the region, because currently " 90% of the refineries are in China ," he said.

However, when asked whether lithium or uranium would be exploited first, the company's manager responded that it would depend on the international price. "We are in the hands of the market, but we are preparing for both products," Stefan said.

58% of the world's lithium reserves are in South America, the largest in the world, although some surveys place this percentage up to 85%.

Chile, Bolivia, Argentina and part of Brazil concentrated the largest reserves of this nonmetallic mineral up to this important discovery.

Lithium is a material used in spacecraft, electric vehicles, rechargeable cell phone batteries, computers, cell phones, cameras digital, atomic reactors and even antidepressants. Therefore, it is also called "white gold".

In addition, its value is another relevant aspect: while in 1998 a ton of lithium was quoted at $ 1,900, in 2017, it reached $ 10,000 [19659019]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {
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