They propose to demolish the Taj Mahal and that is the reason


July 16, 2018

The Supreme Court of India issued an ultimatum; it seems that the conservation laws implemented for the monument have not been sufficient.

Illustrative Image: Pixabay

According to El Universal, despite efforts to control the wear and tear of the Taj Mahal, the Supreme Court of India has presented an ultimatum to the local government, threatening to demolish or destroy close the iconic monument.

"Either we close the Taj, demolish or restore it," Judges Madan B. Lokur and Deepak said on Wednesday. In addition, the court was already proceeding since May to a similar process, stemming from a petition from the environmentalist Mahesh Chander Mehta, when it was declared that the pollution affected the white marble facade by changing of green tones. , brown and yellow

Next, the court put in place several preservation laws; in one of them, people who do not live in the surrounding area are prohibited from offering prayers at memorial facilities, but authorities have stated that the case was a "hopeless cause", criticizing the local government for not having proposed a plan

It should be noted, during the last three decades, the building was degraded largely due to the matter emitted by the industrial units in its vicinity, but also because of the Yamuna River, in the west side is the Taj Mahal.

Because the Yamuna River also contains considerable waste and, as a result, now houses a pond for insects, whose excrement corrodes the marble of the building. In addition, diesel and kerosene diesel generators are also common in India and are believed to be another factor that increases pollution levels.

As a result of the above, the court also questions the president of the Taj Trapezium area. (TTZ), the area of ​​10,400 square kilometers around the monument, on why the court ban on the expansion of industrial units in this area has been violated.

The government of Uttar Pradesh defended itself by explaining that IIT, Kanpur carried out an assessment of the levels of air pollution in and around the TTZ and submitted his report in four months. In this regard, the Court stated that the matter was going on too long and that very few action plans were clear, and now the case will be heard every day on July 31st.

It is worth mentioning that the Taj Mahal was erected the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in the seventeenth century and is currently one of the "seven wonders" of the world; It was built in Agra as a mausoleum for Shah Jahan's wife, Mumtaz Mahal.

With information from El Universal

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