They remove the accusations against the porn actress facing Trump


The charges against Stormy Daniels, who was arrested Wednesday night at an Ohio strip club, were dropped Thursday after his lawyer denounced a "political montage" against the porn actress who is legally facing the US President. , Donald Trump

Daniels, who claims to have had a relationship with Trump – whom the president denies -, was arrested in Ohio after officers accused him of being responsible for the killing. having intentionally touched clients of the club where he acted "in a specific anatomical part" .

According to the incident report, published by a local media, two police detectives and an officer boarded Daniels – who was in tops – on stage while she [TRADUCTION] " used her bare breasts to hit clients "and" touched the clients' breasts ".

Daniels reportedly put his breasts in front of a detective, before "forcing" the face of another officer. Ohio law prohibits customers from touching a naked or semi-nude dancer in a club.

The porn actress was released on bail Thursday. Tomorrow

His lawyer, Michael Avenatti, later announced in a tweet that the charges had been "rejected in their entirety" and thanked prosecutors for their "professionalism".

The state of ] Ohio dismissed the case because "there was no probable reason to proceed with any of the three charges laid down in the prosecution " according to digitized judicial documents that Avenatti published on social media

. , the lawyer had assured that "infiltrated" agents had asked Stormy to touch them. "Without her knowing it, the police set up an operation in this club," she told MSNBC Thursday.

"During his presentation, these officers asked him if they could put his face between her breasts.", Explained


Through his Twitter account, Avenatti had already denounced that The incident had a political background: "It was a montage with political motivations." That felt desperation. False. "

" Do they use police resources for covert operations like this? There must be more important priorities !!! "

In a statement made public by Avenatti, Daniels explains: a presentation scheduled for Thursday night in the same club had been canceled." I apologize to my fans at Columbus, "he said

Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, is trying to get justice for canceling an agreement signed in 2016 for which she received $ 130,000 in exchange for her silence. would have had with Trump in 2006.

The agreement was signed just before the election of Trump in the 2016 presidential. The porn actress asks the cancellation of the same, in alleging that it was not signed by Trump.

The President He denied having a relationship with her, but his attorney Michael Cohen said that he had paid $ 130,000 to Daniels without being reimbursed by Trump, although later the president admitted that he returned the money to his lawyer


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