They seek to develop a plan to boost the consumption and export of vegetable stews | Trade | Economy | Peru


Committee of Exporters of Cereals and Andean Cereals ( ADEX ) entered into negotiations with the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation ( Minagri ) to develop a National Development Plan for Legumes by 2025.

Juan Varilias, President of ADEX stated that the plan aims to establish actions and strategies that enhance the value of legumes . This is to promote the consumption of these foods in Peru and boost their exports.

"This work plan includes the support of Prom-Peru's" superfood "strategy to increase consumption of stewed vegetables and other foodstuffs.We are interested in developing Peruvian agro-exports, US $ 2.3 million between January and May, "said Mr. Varilias at the National Pulses Day ceremony.

Varilias said that the vegetables whose exports totaled US $ 72 million in 2017, account for just over 1% of Peruvian agroindustrial shipments

He pointed out that there are commercial opportunities for products of this type. For example, he cited the pallar of Ica, which has an appellation of origin; as well as tarwi, which he says that he has a high protein level.

Varilias added that ADEX recently joined the International Confederation of Dry Legumes (GPC for its acronym in English). He indicated that he will propose to the GPC that Peru host its global convention by 2021.

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