This will be the new 2018-2019 Senate Administrative Council


Photo: Senate of the Republic

The composition of the upper house administration council results from a political agreement between the various parties, while opening the door to the status of the "House of Commons". opposition. (19459005)

With the appointment of Ernesto Macías (Democratic Center) as President of the Congress for the period 2018-2019, First Vice President Eduardo Pulgar (U-Party) and Second Vice President Angelica Lozano (Green Alliance) was formed by the Board of Directors, after 20 hours, this 20 July – National Independence Day of Colombia –

The formation of the new Board of Directors of the Senate, reflects the new political map of the country, after the election as President-elect of Iván Duque, who will succeed Juan Manuel Santos on August 7, and the implementation of the status of the l & # 39; Opposition

Senator Macías, who replaced Corporación as President of Efraín Cepeda (Conservative Party), thanked the plenary for his name, as well as his community, which went from the opposition. in the period 2014-2018 to the government, who, as a result of political agreements, opened the door to lead the fate of the Upper House, in the framework of the 2018-2019 ordinary sessions.

In addition, with the appointment of Senator Ernesto Macías as President of the Congress, A new era begins in Colombian democracy, which will experience its "apogee" with the arrival at the Casa de Nariño d & # 39; Iván Duque on August 7, who immediately announced "a frontal fight against corruption, drug trafficking and violence". the four cardinal points of the country, especially in areas such as Nariño and Putumayo. "

The board of directors of the company, chaired by the legislator of the Democratic Center, produced reactions from all groups, who considered that taking a leap into the future in economic, social, retirement and even cultural, in response to the geographical composition of the country and the high level of participation of cities years, in the elections of March 11, May 27 and June 17, was following a political map "multicolored".

The plenary vote of the Senate, this Friday, July 20 – National Independence Day of Colombia – was as follows: Ernesto Macías as President (105 votes, 1 vote void, 23 votes for Antanas Mockus and 81 votes in favor of Macias), Eduardo Pulgar in the first vice-presidency (106 votes, 82 votes for Pulgar) and Angélica Lozano in the second vice-presidency (100 votes, 29 votes in Blanco and 71 Angélica Lozano).

General Secretariat of the Senate, Gregorio Eljach Pacheco was re-elected with 101 votes and under-secretary Saúl Cruz Bonilla with 89 votes.

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