This will be the new appearance of Batman in the next installments | Comic Con | DC Comics | trends


The Comic Con 2018 which is celebrated in the city of San Diego, does not stop to surprise all fans of movies, series, animes and comics. It is precisely at this moment that the most recent novelty comes in relation to the world of Batman.

All indications are that the & # 39; The Dark Knight & # 39; will have a slight change in appearance from now on because it will have with a suit, that although it shows a change, there is nothing original, because that 39; is a sample that was seen much earlier.

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This is nothing more, nothing less than a classic costume from the bat and would be taken over for comics. " The Dark Knight is going to have a new look inspired by his classic costume!", Was what the managers of DC Comics said about the presentation of it.

This was said, during the presentation of the comics of the " Batifamilia " in the middle of [Comic Con 2018] [19459004 where the change that will materialize with the man bat is confirmed. 19659002] This work was done by the designers Lee Weeks and Tony Daniel, who collaborated with Tom King in the regular series of Batman they were responsible for recovering a much less modern appearance for the character

As seen in the image accompanying the footnote of this note, we see it again with the slip and leave out the more contemporary appearance of the character of

] Batman

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