TIME – Investing millions in the EIB


The Ecuadorian government increased the budget for strengthening intercultural bilingual education, BEI, in 2018, and allocated $ 195 million for the strengthening of this education system, according to the branch's undersecretary, Pedro Cango. explained, the budget is higher than the one invested in 2016 and allowed to implement certain actions such as the improvement of the infrastructures, the supply of books in different languages, the breakfasts and the formation.

Of this budget, 15.4 million are used. Rethinking infrastructure to reach educational institutions in different communities, Cango said. This represents 22 percent more than investments compared to 2017 and 78 percent since 2016.

"The main budget is for teachers, in which about $ 114 million is invested in training and in studies for repowering or the construction of intercultural bilingual educational institutions, "said the undersecretary of the EIB

The state also invests in school feeding, uniforms, production and the layout of the texts According to the 2017 administrative register, there are about 153,000 students in the country who have access to the EIB with at least 8,400 teachers in the country's tax system.

At the national level, the EIB invests 1,680 teaching units, most of which are distributed in Zone 3, which covers the provinces of Chimborazo and Cotopaxi in the Ecuadorian highlands, while in Amazonia they are in Pastaza. and to Mo rona Santiago

For this month of September, when the school year begins in the Sierra, the texts will be delivered in the languages ​​of origin. The pupils of the initial 1 and 2 have texts in Kichwa, Shuar, Shiwiar, Cofán; and teachers are being trained. (I)

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