Tina Turner: The drama that the singer and her son Craig have experienced | Trade | TV | Hollywood


Craig Raymond Turner, the firstborn of the American singer Tina Turner was found dead at home last Tuesday. He was 59 years old. In his childhood he witnessed the physical abuse of his stepfather Ike Turner to his mother.

The star Anna Mae Bullock (Tina Turner) was 18 when she gave birth to Craig. This is the result of a brief relationship that he had with saxophonist Raymond Hill.

They met while they were part of the group of Ike Turner, Tina Turner's first husband, "Kings of Rhythm."

finished between Hill and the singer, started a court with Ike Turner. In 1962, when they got married, he became Craig's foster father.

As a child, Craig witnessed Ike's physical violence on Tina, which caused the singer to think of suicide. 19659006] "Ike's children never reacted, but my eldest son, Craig, was a very sensitive child," revealed Tina Turner to Oprah Winfrey in 2005. "He was always looking at the floor with a face sad. Craig knocked on the door and asked, "Mom, how are you?" He added

. The singer counted on that moment to overcome these problems, but it was difficult since Ike Turner did not decide. "I thought to myself: 'Oh, please, do not hit me at home.' I did not want my children to listen. I was trying to eat with the kids, talk to them about life, but for Ike it made no sense. He says:

Since 2005, Tina Tuner lives in Europe and is married to German producer Erwin Bach. In addition to Craig, the star is also the mother of Ronnie, Michael and Ike Junior.

A few months ago, the diva released a musical based on her 50-year career in London, which shows the abusive relationship she has with her. ex-husband Ike Turner.

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