Today is the day of the mangrove


The most representative extension of our country is at Tumbes
Tumbes July 26, 2018 – 3:50 pm,

Mangroves at Tumbes


At the celebration of the International Day for the Defense of Mangrove Ecosystems, it should be noted that they constitute a unique ecosystem that is home to a great diversity of wildlife and flora, and is an important source of hydrobiological resources.

The National Sanctuary of Los Manglares de Tumbes has an area of ​​2,972 hectares and was created on March 2, 1988 by Supreme Decree No. 018-88-AG. This territory is located in the province of Zarumilla, Tumbes region, on the coast that borders Ecuador.

The mangrove or mangrove is fed with fresh and salty water by the sea. It is a tree species that grows in tropical areas where a river empties itself.

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