Toronto, the new city of fashion on the technological stage | Technology


When talking about technological scenarios, most people usually think of Silicon Valley . For years, the California coast has historically been the epicenter of innovation and the digital economy, home to the headquarters of almost every industry-leading company – courtesy of Microsoft and Amazon They choose to go north, around Seattle -. However, the situation would have changed.

A recent study by CB Insights showed that investment in the productive fabric of ICTs was in sharp decline throughout the west coast of the United States, favoring take-off in other places like Beijing, New York or Paris. One of the cities that also appeared in green in this report was Toronto, a Canadian city that also appears in another list on the creation of technology jobs done by the CBRE real estate agency.

According to this source, the capital of the Canadian province of Ontario has created 28,900 ICT jobs over the past year, or 14% more than in 2016. With them, he There are more than 241,000 workers, which represents a 52% increase over the last five years. The most notable thing is that these figures for the growth of digital employment surpass the joint data of San Francisco, Seattle and Washington DC.

With all this, there are currently about 5 million direct workers in the technology industry in the United States, for more than 830,000 in Canada.

The trend goes further, because if we analyze the main cities by ICT talent, Toronto also excels. Specifically, the Canadian city ranks fourth in the North American region, just behind Silicon Valley Seattle and Washington DC . Canada also performs well if we consider the percentage of technological labor force in total employment: Ottawa leads (11.2%), above Silicon Valley (9.8%) or Toronto (8.9%)

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