Trade War: China Has "Malicious" Attitude in Trade, Says Trump | Trade | Economy | World


President United States Donald Trump described Wednesday as "malicious" Chinese business practices, his latest critic of the world's second-largest economy lying between the trade war led by both parties.

"China refers to our peasants, whom they know how to love and respect, in order to bring them to continue to enjoy the United States ", wrote: Trump on Twitter.

"They are malicious in what will be their failed attempt. China earned US $ 517 billion for us last year. "

Earlier this month, The United States imposed tariffs of 25% out of 34,000 millions of US dollars of Chinese goods ] that generated an eye-to-eye response from Beijing, which focused on agricultural products that affect politically sensitive areas of the United States

Since then, Washington threatened by taxing another 200 000 million US dollars on Chinese imports, then increasing this figure to 500 billion dollars, which prompted Beijing to promise further reprisals.

Trump also accused Beijing of manipulating its currency, the yuan, to give an advantage to your exp China denied.

The US government even struck its closest allies, the European Union, Canada, and Mexico, with tariffs on their exports of steel and aluminum to United which provoked retaliation against iconic American products such as bourbon and orange juice.

Trump will meet on Wednesday the president of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker who lowered the hopes that their talks will resolve this trade conflict.

The last tweets of Trump arrived a day after the first recognition by his administration that the aggressive commercial actions cause internal suffering, with the announcement of a 12-year aid. 000 million US dollars for farmers, the main targets of Chinese retaliation.

Source: AFP

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