Traditional Stores Recognize that E-Commerce is not a Temporary Trend | Dr. Tecno | trends


Every day, at an accelerated pace, innovation has transformed traditional industries into industries combining the physical and the digital. Like the Internet with the wave of "smart" products, or services in general platforms that allow to engage professionals around the world. However, where trade and retail are showing the greatest change, thanks to the progress of e-commerce,

e-commerce studies show strong growth in online shopping in Ecuador, where price is the main online shopping engine. . In the country, there are several platforms for small and large companies. One of them is Mi.Tienda, it's a digital shopping center with exit prices for traditional shops.

Camilo Cruz, voceru of this page, tells us a bit about his experience with e-commerce in the country

What are the numbers for ecommerce in Ecuador?

In Ecuador eCommerce moved about $ 600 million in 2016 and $ 800 million in 2017. According to a study in 2017 by the Ecuadorian Chamber of Electronic Commerce, the main categories of online shopping are : Services, where tickets are the most purchased item. The following are non-personal property, such as electronic devices and consumption. The third is personal property, mainly clothing, and the fourth is home-made products, led by furniture.

How much has it increased in recent times?

E-commerce growth in Ecuador It is close to 25%, which is one of the highest in the region. Although, compared to the US, European or Asian market, Latin America still does not achieve a high level of online shopping penetration, these are progressing at an accelerated pace. What you see in the region is a clear transition from an "early" stage to a "second wave" in terms of e-commerce. This is given by a better physical infrastructure for the logistics and technological infrastructure that enables the operation of robust electronic commerce platforms in the region.

How much do traditional stores bet on e-commerce?

In the early 2000s, few companies developed informative websites for their businesses. Gradually, this increased until in 2010, virtually every traditional store had an informative website. In the case of e-commerce, the barrier of the absence of online payment buttons has delayed the penetration of e-commerce sites until a few years ago. However, it is currently estimated, according to INEC, that over 20% of Ecuadorian companies have online sales channels enabled, either on their own e-commerce pages or through complementary platforms.

Currently, most traditional stores that e-commerce is not a temporary trend, but a mandatory sales channel in the present and much more in the future.

In My.Store, how many stores are affiliated locally?

Currently, the platform has more than 80 affiliated institutions and official stores for the sale of online ticketing and official products of the main football teams of the country: Barcelona, ​​Liga, Emelec, El Nacional, Deportivo Cuenca, Independiente, Macará, Deportivo Quito and the last one that enters is Aucas.

What are the conditions to enter?

a. Count on an RUC

b. Being a store or business that sells non-perishable goods and has the legal documentation necessary for distribution. That is, products imported for contraband or luggage in the country are not sold.

c. Be prepared to provide optimal customer service and adhere to the universal customer service policies of the platform, which ensure that the customer receives their products as described and on time promised.

What has your experience on the Ecuadorian market been so far?

Since the launch of the pilot platform in March 2017, the results have been excellent and expectations exceeded. The institutions really appreciate being able to have a platform that allows them to sell online and expand their market without having to deal with online payments, logistics and all the support that the online sales involve. On the part of consumers, there has been a great acceptance of the online mall model since, by finding their favorite stores, those they trust, they feel a real endorsement. In addition, provincial clients appreciate being able to rely on promotions and products that were previously available only when they visited Quito, Guayaquil or another major city. Finally, for the Ecuadorian fan, it's a relief to finally be able to acquire his tickets in a convenient way without exposing himself to resale or making long queues in the stadiums. (I)

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