Trudeau lamented more than 50 deaths in a heat wave


The heat wave that struck a week east of Canada killed at least 54 people in Quebec (eastern part of the country), local authorities said Friday.

At least 28 deaths related "with the devastating heat wave" were recorded in the metropolitan area of ​​ Montreal the health authorities of Quebec City were informed AFP .

The other deaths were recorded in the "I think of the relatives of those who died in Quebec during this heat wave," said the Quebec Ministry of Health, southwest of the country's French-speaking province . and east of Canada, so make sure you know how to protect yourself and your family, "tweeted the Prime Minister on Wednesday, Justin Trudeau.

After a week of high temperatures in the United States. is [1945] 9004] Canada the temperature should return to Saturday at seasonal average levels. "Depending on the weather, it should return to normal in the next hours," said Noémie Vanheuverzwijn, spokesman for the Department

No heat-related deaths have been reported so far in the neighboring province of Ontario which also recorded high temperatures

In 2010, there were high temperatures killed a hundred people in the region of Montreal . ( About AFP )

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