Trujillo: Former footballer José Soto apologizes to the police for aggression and denies being "a violent person" | Photo 1 of 2 | Peru


José Soto, coach of the team Carlos A. Mannucci from Trujillo, He apologized to the NCO who marked the end of the match between the tricolor team and the University César Vallejo (UCV), which was 1-1. The match took place last Sunday for the first final of the second division championship.

The former footballer hit the NCO in the face Edick Erick Mezarina Acevedo when he intervened because a crash broke out on the ground.

" I want to apologize to the police officer that I assaulted him. I know that it is sometimes difficult to ask for forgiveness, we must ask forgiveness (also) to the fans and children who attended the stadium.. I am not a violent person. Edson, I would like to apologize to you, your family and those around you, because I know the situation was complicated and difficult (…). My sincere apologies and I give you a hug, I hope you will understand, "he said after completing the training on the eleventh day.

At another time, José Soto He said that he had reacted in this way because of the "fever" of the party and because "I had the impression that they disrespected me" . However, he did not want to reveal why he had been offended. "You have to recognize the mistakes," he added.

The police chief Macroregion of La Libertad, general César Vallejos, as, He said that despite the excuses of the former player of Alianza Lima, the process would continue. He also said that Soto had appeared Monday afternoon in front of the police unit and had accepted the right to remain silent. Despite this, you will have to return to the Ayacucho Police Station tomorrow at 10 am.

The agent also indicated that the case has already been referred to the office of the third prosecutor of the Trujillo Criminal Society, which asks "that person to obtain a criminal sanction according to what corresponds"We have complained about violence and resistance to authority, not just for physical aggression. The question is on the right track and there is no way to stop the merit of the apology. The law must be respected, "he said.

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