Trump and AMLO Letters, Political Message Exchange


The internationalist Javier Tello said in Despierta with Loret that the letters sent by Donald Trump and Andrés Manuel López Obrador are exchanges of political messages

The analyst commented that the exchange The epistolary between the two politicians deals with substantive issues. He said that the letter sent by Andrés Manuel López Obrador emphasizes that the problem to solve the problems of Mexico and the United States is Donald Trump

Tello explained that in the case of trade, the proposal of López Obrador is to resolve as soon as possible the negotiation of the Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), because paralysis causes uncertainty that stops investment in Mexico. He said that this uncertainty pleased him and that it suited him.

He likes it because he does not have to position himself on the issue with one or the other of the parties and that suits him financially because this uncertainty can to a given moment decide to stay

He explained that in the case of migrants, the AMLO proposal is the development of Mexico to stop migration, and in the case of Central American undocumented, it is a kind of "Puebla Plus Panama Plan" that would apply from the Panama Canal to the Rio Grande.

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Javier Tello pointed out that the problem with both proposals is that the idea that the United States is investing in Honduras to generate employment instead of an entity, this country lacks livelihood, "and in the case of Trump, I do not think it will fly away." He added that "it's an old idea that has never echoed in the US" because this country does not think like that, politicians and the government of this country do not do not believe in these projects.

So that people do not emigrate out of necessity, however, he pointed out that there are millions of Mexicans who have already left for the United States. He stressed that "the problem with Donald Trump is that he persecutes them, he stops them and expels them", so a proposal is needed to stop these acts.

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In the case of Donald Trump's letter, he mentions the issue of NAFTA, but his say it seems more threatening because it says that either it is solved soon, or we take a path that is not it.

In the case of migration, he reaffirms the rule of law discourse which, in the United States, means a "strong hand" and which can be appreciated in relation to what is currently happening among migrants

. of Awake


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