Trump Appoints Supreme Court Candidate: What to Watch


Judge Hardiman was also, along with Judge Kethledge, one of two finalists, Kentucky senator Mitch McConnell, the leader of the majority, recently recommended to Mr. Trump and the Lawyer. from the White House, Donald F. McGahn II, less risk of confirmation failure.

Mr. McConnell saw disadvantages in others. Judge Kavanaugh argued that President Bill Clinton could be accused of lying to his staff and misleading the public, a broad definition of the obstruction of justice that would be detrimental to Mr. Trump if she was applied in the Russian investigation. And Judge Kavanaugh was viewed with suspicion by conservatives mistrustful of his connection to President George W. Bush, for whom he was secretary of staff.

Judge Barrett, former forensic judge Antonin Scalia, was defended by conservative Christian. the leaders, but Mr. McConnell fears that it may cause the defection of two moderate key Republicans in the Senate. (At her confirmation hearings last September for a Court of Appeal sitting, she told Senators that her religious beliefs would not affect her in her judicial decisions.)

Trump told the journalists Sunday afternoon that he was still considering the four finalists, and that he would make his decision by noon no later than Monday

"Everyone, you can not go wrong," he said. said. Democrats want to fight, but they can not do it.

Democrats have made it clear this weekend that the bar is high for their votes. But they acknowledged how difficult it would be to arrest a candidate who has unanimous support among Senate Republicans.

Sen. Chris Coons, a Delaware Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, admitted Sunday that he was not a member of the Senate. Democratic opposition could be futile. Even if all 49 members of their caucus were united in opposition, they would still need at least one Republican to join them in blocking the nomination. "It will be very difficult," said Mr. Coons on "Face the Nation". "If all the Republicans stand together, with the Vice President, they will be able to confirm who nominates President Trump. "

Senator Richard J. Durbin, Senate Democrat No. 2, said Sunday that Mr. Trump's candidate would most likely be in the shoes of Judge Gorsuch, who received unanimous Republican support in his confirmation vote. and who, according to Durbin, voted "on a lock of the conservative Republican side."

"They want to fill this position to give them an advantage in any future decision," Durbin told NBC's Meet the Press.

Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer wrote in a Times Op. Ed last week that if Mr. Trump's first candidate failed, it would be wise to choose a more moderate candidate. In a phone call with Mr. Trump, Mr. Schumer even put forward the idea of ​​appointing Judge Merrick B. Garland, President Barack Obama's candidate failed in 2016.

The vote of appointment will be difficult for Senate Democrats in the Red States who are rising for reelection in November, including Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Joe Donnelly of Indiana and Joe Manchin III of West Virginia. A decision by one or the other to try to strengthen their position with Republican voters would undermine Democratic leaders.

Democrats fear that Trump's candidate may favor the overthrow of Roe c. Wade, Supreme Court decision in 1973 established a constitutional right to abortion. Here's what each of the four finalists had to say on the subject.

Will the candidate arrive in secret? Will the second be a decoy?

While Mr. Obama opted for a conventional ceremony by announcing his Supreme Court candidates, Mr. Trump prefers the show in prime time. Last year, the appointment of Judge Gorsuch was conceived as a cliffhanger resembling reality TV: who would it be? The two finalists were behind the scenes of the White House? Would Mr. Trump change his mind at the last minute?

Dozens of lawmakers, family members, and assistants gathered in the East Room of the White House, where Mr. Trump made an entry on the red carpet. long preamble, prolonging the mystery. When he revealed his selection, Mr. Gorsuch and his wife entered the room for a standing ovation

"So, was it a surprise?" Mr. Trump asked the crowd with a smile. "Was it?"

Adding to the suspense, a cameramen team spotted Judge Hardiman driving in Pennsylvania a few hours before Mr. Trump announced his choice. Hardiman J. asserted that he was content to visit someone in Altoona, a Pennsylvania town about 100 miles east of Pittsburgh, where Judge Hardiman is guarding his chambers. But White House aides have suggested that this was part of a plan to divert media attention.

Trump seemed to rely on this kind of speculation to improve the drama of television selection. The word of choice leaked only selectively in the hours leading up to the event, meaning that many of those listening were learning Mr. Gorsuch's appointment for the first time when Mr. Trump was reading his name.

After Judge Gorsuch heard good news from Mr. Trump, he and his wife traveled on a military jet from a Colorado airport to the Andrews Common Base. On the day of the announcement, he was smuggled into the White House, where aides made him wait in the Lincoln House before his appearance with Mr. Trump.

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