Trump attacks the Fed, China, and Europe for putting the US economy at a disadvantage


million. Trump's sharp words come ahead of a rally this weekend by the finance ministers of the Group of 20 Countries in Argentina, where Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury Secretary, is expected to receive enough criticism of M's trade policy Trump.

Following a series of commercial actions, the president has already imposed tariffs on about 4% of US imports, including steel, aluminum, washing machines and solar products and a variety of products from China. But it has threatened to dramatically increase that number, raising tariffs to cover about a quarter of what the United States imports.

The United States has imposed tariffs on $ 34 billion of Chinese products and expects to add $ 16 soon. billions of dollars, in an attempt to put pressure on China for it to change business practices that, according to the White House, are unfair. The Chinese government reacted by imposing its own tariffs on 34 billion US dollars of US products, and until then it did not want to bow to the pressure.

In an interview with CNBC broadcast Friday, the president described the tit-for-tat He said he was ready to impose tariffs on 500 billion dollars of Chinese imports – the the total amount of goods that China sends each year to the United States. He added that the trade dispute was "the right thing to do for our country."

"I raised 50, and they matched us," he said. "I said: "You do not fit in. You can not match us because otherwise we will always be behind the 8-ball."

Commercial actions have prompted retaliation from Europe, Mexico, the United States, and the United States. Canada and other countries, as well as China, taking a hefty toll on major US exporters, including farmers. In another Twitter message on Friday, Mr. Trump defended his strategy.

"Farmers have been on a downward trend for 15 years," he said. "The price of soybeans has dropped 50% since 5 years before the election.A big reason is bad (terrible) Trade Deals with other countries.They have imposed huge tariffs and barriers.Canada bill 275% of milk, farmers will WIN! "

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