Trump criticizes the lawyer to record the payment conversation to model


WASHINGTON.- President Donald Trump released serious charges against his former lawyer Michael Cohen, for secretly recording a conversation between the two on ] payment of money to model and actress Karen McDougal for to remain silent a alleged dating .

"It's inconceivable that the government will explode early in the morning in a lawyer's office – really unheard-even more inconceivable is the fact that a lawyer registers his client – totally unprecedented and probably illegal. The good news is that your favorite president has done nothing wrong, "writes Trump on his Twitter account.

According to the American newspaper "The New York Times", agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) had seized the recording at A search at law firm Cohen, discovering the recording that had triggered the media scandal.

In this particular case, it is about a supposed relationship of Trump with McDougal in 1998, when the president was already married to Melania Trump.

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According to the "New York Times", the former mayor of New York and the current Trump lawyer, Rudolph Giuliani, confirmed Friday that Trump had spoken with Cohen about the payment of money to McDougal, but that in the end, there was no transfer.

According to Giuliani, the recording lasted less than two meters and shows that the president has banned nothing. Trump would have told Cohen only that it would be better for him to hand over a check instead of sending money in case a payment was made. (ECHA Agencies)

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