Trump declares ready to represent himself


US President Donald Trump expresses his intention to stand for re-election in 2020 in an interview published by the British newspaper Mail on Sunday in which states that He does not see any democrat capable of winning him.

Although he admits that "you never know what's going on with health and other things," Trump, 72, confirms at the request of journalist Piers Morgan that he will present to re-election who has "any intention to do so". "Well, I have the intention to do it, it seems like everyone wants us to do it," he emphasizes, emphasizing, "I feel good."

I do not see anyone, I know them all and I do not see anyone ", and insists:" They do not have the right candidate. "

" We could agree "with Russia

The President of United States arrived on Saturday for a two-day private visit to Scotland to play golf in one of his resorts after his official visit to the UK and before his departure Sunday for Helsinki, where he will meet Monday for the first time At a bilateral summit with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin [19459006

To the question of whether Putin is one of the "ruthless" leaders he met, he answers like North Korean Kim Jong-Un: I can not tell you, I guess it is probably the case, but I could also name others. "

However, he adds that" if we agree with Russia it is a good thing I do not know him (Putin) I met him several times, I met him at the G20, "in referen this at the top held in Hamburg (Germany) on July 8 . "I think we could probably agree," he insists. although he admits that "we are now competitors."


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