Trump Hurricane


It is hard to imagine a geopolitical moment worse for liberal democracy than that unleashed by Donald Trump, the president of the United States, with his erratic performances during his recent tour of Europe.

He began by fracturing the summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Belgium, severely criticizing Germany. Then, he arrived in Britain, where although he thinks that they like him very much, his secret service did not allow him any activity in London, because of the massive protests that sparked his visit. This did not prevent him from intervening in British domestic politics, criticizing Prime Minister Theresa May at a particularly vulnerable moment for the implementation of Brexit. And let's not forget that he was late for his appointment with Queen Elizabeth II, who was nervously watching the watch waiting for Trump. The British press, one of the most histrionic in the world, went crazy.

It was just the preamble to his disastrous performance in Helsinki, where he showed a weakness and servility never seen, during and after his meeting with Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia. The indignation created in the United States for its abjection is described in Congress and the media as a "national security crisis."

Last Friday, three days before the summit with Putin, the US Department of Justice announced the filing of formal charges against 12 Russian individuals, all identified by the full name, belonging to the GRU, the arm Russian military intelligence. The document describes, with unbelievable detail, and backed by solid intelligence, those who, when, how and where these topics managed to penetrate the servers of the Democratic National Committee, the personal electronic accounts of Hillary Clinton and John Podesta, their leader of cabinet. Bell. It also shows how they used the information for the benefit of Donald Trump's candidacy, and injured Hillary Clinton. They had access to the strategy and campaign plans of the Democrats, not only at the presidential level, but also at the Federal Congress elections. Prosecutor Robert Mueller's work leaves no room for doubt: the Russians helped Trump.

The summit in Helsinki started a little late, (Putin was delayed) and now it was Trump who had to wait. Upon arrival, they sat down for a photo and brief introductory words. Then they went to the mysterious meeting: the two heads of state, accompanied by their translators, and no one else. We still do not know what was said at this meeting, which lasted more than two hours, and that the Kremlin recorded with certainty. The United States may have failed to document it because Trump did not want it.

After a brief meeting with their work teams, Trump and Putin came out to give the most painful press conference for the United States that I remember. Trump seemed to shrink, stammering incoherent answers, while Putin expanded, projecting his experience and expressing his ideas with clarity and certainty. They both lie, but Putin is infinitely better.

The exchange that caused the chaos in the United States had to do, of course, with the investigation of Robert Mueller, but also with the findings of all intelligence services of the United States, that even Republicans agree, and who argue without a doubt, there was Russian intervention in the elections, and that the intention was to help Trump.

The question, from Johnathan Lemier of AP, was: "President Trump, do you condemn the Russian intervention and demand that President Putin not repeat himself?"

Trump hesitated, and said that Putin vehemently denied it, and that there were two points of view about it, but that he did not see why Russia was there. ;already done. Well, to win it, right? This response was considered by John Brennan, former director of the CIA, as a betrayal of the homeland. Trump then tried to compose it, but could not. On Monday, in our digital edition, I talk about the consequences and the impact of the Trumpian trip.

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