Trump jeopardizes solidarity of allies


Brussels.- The leaders of the largest military organization on the planet are gathering today for the most unpredictable summit in seven decades.

Leaders of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) held 29 meetings since 1949 each were used to introduce new policies, receive new allies or strengthen the response to emerging threats .

"In the past, these types of summits were extremely predictable, we all knew in advance the decisions to be made and the American president I would support them, but now we have a president [de EU] who is unpredictable, So even if everything is ready, no one knows what the result will be because we do not know what he will do [Donald] Trump at the top, "he told EL UNIVERSAL Dick Zandee, defense expert at The Netherlands Institute of International Relations, Clingendael

This will be the second visit of the US President to the General of the Alliance.In May of last year, he complained of the Europeans for their insufficient collective defense spending, while refusing to clearly support Article 5 of NATO, which states that an armed attack against one or more members will be considered as an attack against all, as this claim the opening of the new Atlantic Council barracks was a significant change.

The number of countries that respects the commitment to allocate 2% of GDP to defense has increased from five to eight (EU, Greece, Estonia, United, Latvia, Poland, Lithuania and Romania), and accelerated the implementation of cybersecurity programs and the training of Iraqi forces in the fight against jihad, among other issues. Trump also wanted to see more of NATO's activity in the fight against terrorism.

"Will it be enough for Trump? There are good things on the table that Trump could claim as triumphs and thus celebrate a summit in harmony, but that seems to interest only in a single issue, spending 2% of GDP on defense, "says Paul Taylor, think tank security expert.Friends of Europe

If Trump is right to ask respect for the agreement of 2%, at the current rate, it is expected that only seven other countries reach this standard by 2024. The pressure that exerts on the "Achilles' heel" "Since President (John F.) Kennedy, Europe has been told to spend more on defense and to carry more weight on the military burden, a message repeated by all members of the organization. Presidents up to Barack Obama, but Trump added an element of uncertainty that no one had introduced before, "says Zandee.

" The unpredictable element jeopardizes solidarity ally. In the end, Americans have always placed unity and solidarity above their demands for Europeans, but Trump gave him a ride, his priority is to demand that Europeans do more and if it's at the expense of unity, so be it, "adds the expert.

He states that there are multiple dangers to which the organization must respond; Among them, terrorism, the deterioration of security in the Middle East and Russia as a cyber-aggressor, disseminator of misinformation and destabilizer. "The risk is that Trump will end up monopolizing the headlines with an agenda focused on their commercial dispute," says Taylor. He predicts that the distant relationship between the EU and Wa-shington is deepening.

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