Trump marked his "enemies": Russia, the European Union and China – World – Latest news from Uruguay and the world updated


President Donald Trump described Russia's Sunday as one of the "enemies" of the United States, on the eve of a historic summit with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, tainted by the US. Investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections. In an interview with CBS, Trump said that the European Union (EU) and China, for various reasons, were also "enemies" of the United States. United.

Trump arrived yesterday in Helsinki at Air Force One, which landed at the international airport of the Finnish capital of Scotland. Before starting his European tour, Trump had predicted that the scene of Helsinki, where he will meet Putin on Monday, would be the most "simple". But his latest statements could diminish the hopes of détente between Washington and Moscow

"Well, I think we have a lot of enemies, I think the European Union is an enemy, for what "They make us in the trade – European Union, but it's an enemy," Trump told CBS of his golf club in Turnberry, Scotland.

Trump also pointed out that Russia "is the enemy in some aspects" and that China is an "economically enemy" "But that does not mean that they are bad, it means nothing to say, it means that they are competitive. "

  Trump-Putin: they will have their first meeting in Helsinki; Until now, they had coincided in summits with other leaders. Photo: EFE
Photo: EFE

In recent months, Trump has raised tension with countries and regions considered to be partners of the United States, such as the EU, Canada, and Mexico, including in commercial matters. In fact, it has decided to end the June exemption for steel and aluminum tariffs from the EU, Canada and Mexico, a measure to which the governments of these regions have reacted.

I love these countries (those of the EU), I respect the leaders of these countries, but in a commercial sense, they really took advantage of us, and many of these countries are at the # And NATO did not pay their faction. "

Before leaving Scotland, Trump said on his Twitter account:" I hope to meet the President tomorrow, "Monday.He added:" Unfortunately, whatever results I receive at the top (…) I will be criticized on my return saying that it was not enough. "

Points of friction.

Trump and Putin, whose actions will be followed closely in the world will meet in the Finnish capital after a sporting weekend, the first to enjoy golf, his main physical activity in his own words, at his luxurious Scottish resort in Turnberry, the latter attending Sunday's Cup final of the World in Moscow who won France 4-2 on Croatia, and took the opportunity to meet the heads of state of the two countries: Emmanuel Macron and Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic.He arrives at the summit Helsinki after its controversial visits to Brussels and London, marked s by violent attacks against his NATO allies and against British Prime Minister Theresa May. But also with Russia the relationship is tense: annexation in March 2014 of the Ukrainian Peninsula of Crimea by Moscow, support of Russia to the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad, new US tariffs … The list is long.

  US President Donald Trump with Queen Elizabeth II. Photo: AFP
US President Donald Trump with Queen Elizabeth II. Photo: AFP

On the eve of the historic summit, thousands of people demonstrated yesterday in the Finnish capital, convened by the collective "Helsinki Calling for Human Rights", made up of dozens of NGOs and NGOs. associations. in Ukraine "," That human rights are important again ", were some of the banners worn by the protesters, gathered on the Senate Square, a stone's throw from the presidential palace where Russian presidents will meet and Will Will Trump assume the role of leader of the "free world" and will he ask for a report of the problems they disagree on? Or try to flatter the Russian leader as he l? did with the Chinese Xi Jinping and even with the North Korean Kim Jong Un?

"Putin has demonstrated his incredible ability to read personalities," says Alina Polyakova, from Brookings Institution's Ideas Lab. all, that's the training he's received as an intelligence officer, and I think he's particularly adept at detecting weaknesses. "

L & # 39; Another thorny issue that prevailed in this appointment was the Mutation of 12 Russian intelligence agents in the investigation for alleged Kremlin interference in the 2016 US presidential elections.

On Friday, Trump pledged to address this issue in Helsinki and said that "no one has been firmer with Russia" than the states. United

Helsinki Cold War Scenario

Monday's summit between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump will be the fourth of its kind to be held in the Finnish capital in more than four decades after Ford-Brzhnev (1975) , Bush-Gorbachev (1990) and Clinton-Yeltsin (1997). But for Trump and Putin, the situation is very different: the USSR belongs to the past, the American president loses the sympathy of European allies, Russia is in conflict with the West and Finland has no never been so close to the United States and NATO Three hours by train from St. Petersburg, the ancient capital of the tsars, and one hour from the Baltic states, NATO members, Helsinki, was a real espionage nest of the 1950s. In Helsinki, on 1 August 1975, they signed the agreements considered to have contributed to the collapse of the Iron Curtain, signed by Gerald Ford and Leonid Brezhnev (19659020) ( function (d, s, id) {
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