Trump mocks the #MeToo movement in riff on Elizabeth Warren's legacy during the Montana Rally


But the free-wheeling speech focused more on a list of Trump's favorite rallying topics during another summer campaign in a state that was very difficult for him in 2016.

RELATED: Trump complements the interviews with Judge Kennedy's replacement [19659003] Trump, in an effort to attack Tester, painted Democrats as the party of open borders and crime.

But his most extensive attack targeted Warren, a Democrat whom he long targeted to claim that she was part of the Native Americans and nicknamed "Pocahontas" after the historical figure of the 17th century. On Thursday, Trump mocked the people who called him to apologize for this remark and sarcastically apologize to the historical figure

"I want to apologize , Pocahontas, I apologize to you, I apologize to you, he said. "For the false Pocahontas, I will not excuse myself."

He continued to suggest that, if Warren won the Democratic nomination in 2020 and that they had to debate, he would run an ancestry test and dare to take it in. By doing so, he made the light on the #MeToo movement.

"We're going to take this little kit and say, we have to do it gently because we're in the Me Too generation, and we'll take it very softly this Trump kit said, adding that it would offer $ 1 million to charity if she passed the test and that she "shows that you are an Indian."

"I have the feeling that she will say no,"

In a tweet following her speech Warren said, "Hey, @realDonaldTrump: While you're obsessed by my genes, your Admin does DNA testing on small children because you snatched them from their moms and you're too incompetent to get them in time to answer a court order, maybe you should focus on the lives you are destroying. "

Warren was far from the only Democrat who drew Trump's acidic rhetoric on Thursday. The president continued a long fight with the Californian representative Maxine Waters by slamming his intelligence.

"Democrats want anarchy, they really do it and they do not know who they're playing with," Trump said. "I said it the other day, yes, it's a low IQ person, Maxine Waters, I said it the other day, I mean, honestly she was somewhere in the mid-1960s. I believe that. "

In the speech, Trump delivered a radical reprimand to Test, arguing that while the senator told Montana voters that he was holds with the President on certain issues, he does not do it when it matters. Trump excoriated Tester for voting against the Republican health care plan, Trump-back tax cuts, strict immigration laws and Neil Gorsuch, his first choice for the Supreme Court.

RELATED: Test flaps Trump ties before the presidential pressure to oust him

"Jon Tester says one thing when he is in Montana, but I will tell you that he does exactly the opposite when he go to Washington, "said Trump. "You deserve a senator who does not speak like he came from Montana, you deserve a senator who votes as he came from Montana."

But shortly after attacking Tester, he extolled its efforts to report to the Department. The tester, who has stood for re-election promising to work with Trump as needed, is prepared for Trump's visit by the Minister of Veterans Affairs. by publishing full-page advertisements in 14 state-run newspapers touting the bills Trump signed during the first 19 months of his tenure and welcoming him to Montana

"Welcome to Montana and thanks to President Trump for supporting Jon's legislation to help veterans and first responders, hold the VA accountable, and get rid of waste, fraud and abuse in the federal government ", we read in the announcement.

Trump apparently ignored the sensitization, telling supporters that he preferred to have people talking He voted with him more than those who talk high on him and vote against him.

Trump dedicated much more of his campaign rally to the Attack of Testing than to his Republican opponent Matt Rosendale, and he admitted that his beef Democrat is guilty of the failed appointment of Dr. Ronny Jackson to lead the Department of Veterans Affairs, not just politics.

Test, the best Democrat on the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs, brought charges against Jackson, the White House doctor. which was briefly Trump's choice to lead the struggling agency. Tester's criticism helped Jackson withdraw his appointment following allegations of misconduct at the White House medical office, provoking Trump's anger.

Trump admits to Great Falls, Montana that he probably traveled in the state because of the fight. Test said horrible things about him and that were not true, "said Trump." It's probably why I'm here because I won Montana by so many points, I do not need to come here. "

He added," You know, I feel guilty, I feel guilty … "

It was clear during the speech, however, that the Trump's eyes were looking even further than 2018.

When he introduced the Republican senator from Montana Steve Daines, he noted that he was standing "In addition to his attacks on Warren, Trump criticized the senator for Vermont Bernie Sanders and former Vice President Joe Biden, all widely considered candidates in the presidential election. top candidates for the Democratic nomination in 2020.

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But his attacks were not limited to the opposing side, either

Trump continued to attack, without naming him, Senator Arizona John McCain – who is suffering from brain cancer – for voting. against Republican efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act. The attacks continue despite recent criticism of Meghan McCain, the Senator's daughter, and Senator Lindsey Graham, McCain's closest friend in the Senate
LINK: Senator Lindsey Graham Trump Trump John McCain

HW Bush's motto at his rally.

"You know all the rhetoric you see." Thousands of points of light. "What was it that this mess?" Trump said in Montana.

Bush popularized the speech in his 1988 acceptance of appointment speech and he was more later used to name a foundation.

"Thousand points of light," he said I know one thing: make America funky Once again, we understand, we understand that America is the first, that we understand a thousand points of light, which I never understood, what the heck did anybody ever understand? It was put forward by a Republican was not he. "

Trump also commented on his upcoming trip to Europe where, among other stops, he will meet directly with Russian President Vladimir Putin. During the speech, the president criticized reporters and commentators for knowing he was preparing for the meeting.

"Trust me, everything will be fine," he said. "I will be prepared, completely prepared, I have been prepared for these things all my life."

Trump used the fact that some doubted his readiness to attack the media.

"False news.", He said, adding later that he and Putin "might even end up having a good relationship."

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