Trump Supreme Court's Choice: How Major Senators Reacted


The selection of Brett's President Mr. Trump Mr. Kavanaugh as his choice for the next Supreme Court Justice sets in motion an intense battle over the future of the court – and all eyes are now on the Senate, where Republicans hold a slim 51-to-49 majority. With John McCain (R-Ariz.) Away from Capitol Hill while undergoing treatment for brain cancer, Kavanaugh's fortune could depend on a single vote. Here are two groups of senators who will play a central role in the confirmation process, as well as their reactions to the Monday night news:

Susan Collins, Maine Republican, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Rand Paul of Kentucky:

Collins and Murkowski, two GOP moderates who support abortion rights, are likely to bear the brunt of democratic pressure to oppose Kavanaugh's confirmation. Murkowski called Roe v. Wade a "significant factor" in his decision, but not the only one. Collins – the senator who seems most likely to cross the party lines – has already voted for both choices of President Obama's Supreme Court.

The libertarian propensity Paul, meanwhile, adds another layer of unpredictability. He allegedly had reservations about Kavanaugh privately and never had any qualms about standing firm against his party, even to the point of triggering a short-term government shutdown earlier this year. year. All three pointed out in their Monday night statements that they looked forward to scrutinizing Kavanaugh

Collins : "Judge Kavanaugh has impressive qualifications and extensive experience, having served more than a few years." A decade at the Circuit Court of Appeals I will conduct a thorough and thorough examination of the presidential candidate at the Supreme Court, as I did with the five previous Supreme Court justices that I have reviewed.I look forward to Justice Kavanaugh's public hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee and questioning him at a meeting at my office. "

Murkowski : "Tonight, the President has appointed Judge Brett Kavanaugh as Associate Judge Court Supreme, although I have not met Judge Kavanaugh, I look forward to sitting with him. a personal meeting with him.I have the intention to review the Judge Kavanaugh's cisions on the bench and the writings off the bench, and pay particular attention to his answers to the questions put by my colleagues from the Judiciary Committee of the Senate. The Judicial Committee of the American Bar Association will also review Judge Kavanaugh's qualifications prior to these hearings and issue a note. I intend to carefully review this rating, the information obtained at personal meetings, my own review of Judge Kavanaugh's qualifications and record, and the Alaskans' views regarding the decision to support him or not. My criterion for evaluating candidates for the Supreme Court remains rigorous and demanding.

Paul : "I look forward to the upcoming hearings, reviewing the file and meeting Judge Kavanaugh personally, with an open mind. Joe Donnelly of Indiana, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Joe Manchin III of West Virginia, Doug Jones of Alabama and Claire McCaskill of Missouri:

These states senators that Trump won by wide margins in 2016 are not enviable They will probably face a barrage of criticism, but they will choose to vote

Donnelly, Heitkamp and Manchin, a trio of Red Democrats who are re-elected and who have voted last year under the greatest pressure. to confirm Trump's first Supreme Court nominee, Neil M. Gorsuch. All three met Trump at the White House last month to discuss the latest opening of the Supreme Court.

Jones, though he is not re-elected until 2020, is still likely to fight and refused to say how he plans to vote. He, like the three senators mentioned above, refused an invitation from the White House to attend the Monday night's announcement in the East Room

and McCaskill, who is re-elected and voted against Gorsuch the following day. Last year, is considered "No" vote this time, although it is worth keeping an eye on it

Like their Republican counterparts, the Democratic senators on this list also abstained from voting. issue strong opinions on Kavanaugh Monday night, emphasizing rather the need for Deliberation

Donnelly : "As I said, part of my job as a senator includes a thorough study of judicial appointments, including the Supreme Court, I will follow the same approach as for a vacancy on the Supreme Court.After the announcement of the President, I will carefully review and consider the record and qualifications of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. "[19659018] Heitkamp : "A thorough and fair process took place for Judge Gorsuch, whom I supported, and he must and must"

Manchin : "As a Senator from Virginia -Occidental, I have the constitutional obligation to advise and consent to a candidate to fill the vacancies in the Supreme Court and I take this responsibility seriously. Just as I did when Merrick Garland and Neil Gorsuch were appointed, I will evaluate Judge Kavanaugh's record, his legal qualifications, his judicial philosophy and, in particular, his perspective on the care of health. The Supreme Court will finally decide if nearly 800,000 Virginians from the West with pre-existing conditions will lose their health care. This decision will directly affect nearly 40% of my condition, so I am very interested in his position on protecting Virginians from the West with pre-existing conditions. As I have always said, I believe that the Senate should hold hearings in committee; Senators should meet him, we should debate his qualifications in the Senate and cast any vote we believe he deserves. I look forward to meeting Judge Kavanaugh, reviewing his decisions and deciding whether to give my consent. "

Jones :" The announcement tonight is only a first step. A thorough review of Judge Kavanaugh's work will be essential for the Senate to discharge its shared responsibility – something that I take very seriously. McCaskill : "I look forward to thoroughly examining Judge Kavanaugh's case in the coming weeks, as the Senate considers his appointment to replace Judge Kennedy."

For more details on Kavanaugh's record during his 12 years on the bench in Washington, click here

Amber Phillips contributed to this report.

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