Trump to help farmers affected by tariffs


Washington /

The government of Donald Trump announced that will pay up to $ 12 billion to farmers who are affected by the tariffs that Trump himself imposed, amidst many trade disputes with other countries.

The Ministry of Agriculture reported direct aid and other forms of assistance He added that it was a "short-term solution" term "to help farmers and give them time. to that the government of the president Donald Trump negotiates permanent solutions.

The measures announced by the government "are a firm statement that other nations can not force the hand with our agricultural producers to force the government to back down."

Tuesday, Trump said that "the rates are the best!" And threatened to impose new sanctions on trading partners as he prepares negotiations with European officials at the White House.

The Trump government imposed tariffs on $ 34 billion worth of Chinese goods in a dispute with Beijing over Chinese high-tech policies. In response, China enacted its own rights to US products such as soybeans and pork, affecting farmers in an area that supported Trump in his 2016 presidential campaign.

Trump also threatened 500 billion products from China, a step that would significantly worsen the trade dispute between the world's largest economies.

Before leaving for Kansas City, Trump said on Twitter that US trading partners had to negotiate " an agreement they are punished with tariffs .

The US president took a recalcitrant stance in negotiations with China, Canada and the European Union to renegotiate agreements that he said undermined the country's manufacturing sector and caused losses.

Taxation import duties was Trump's favorite tactic, but the US trading partners reacted in the same way, creating risks for the economy.



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