Trump's #MeToo scan updates its 2016 playbook


Thursday night, while he was mocking the #MeToo movement while his tour targeted the Romanian Democratic Senators of Montana, he showed that he thought the same approach would prevent an electoral merger at mid-March. GOP mandate that could severely constrain its presidency. 19659002] The President made his risky gamble at a tumultuous rally while he renewed his attack on Democratic Senator and prospective White House candidate Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren and his claim to own the. Native American heritage.

He said that if the pair ever ran into a presidential debate, he would give her a DNA test to identify her ancestry.

"We are going to take this little kit and say – but we have to do it gently, it's the generation" Me Too ", so we must We will gently take the kit and throw it slowly, hoping that # 39, he did not hit it and did not hurt his arm, even though it weighs only 2 ounces, "Trump says"

"And we'll say we'll make it give 1 million dollars to your favorite charity, paid by Trump, if there "

Trump's comment immediately diverted the attention of a speech designed to burn Senator Jon Tester, one From a series of Senate Democrats facing tough reelection races in the Trump States won with

He set up the equation that prevailed for most of the year 2016 – Trump adopts a position that many people consider extreme or offensive and that makes the media traditio Niels scream at the blunder. In the process, Trump has once again become the scourge of liberal and inclusive values ​​and the potential champion of millions of Americans who see such coverage as exactly the kind of political correction by the coastal elites that has lured them to the ultimate outsider candidate in first place.

But if Trump's willingness to explode the taboos helped him in 2016, there is no guarantee that it will work in the medium term. Although it may be popular with its home base in the heart of the country, it is already hurting among female voters who could be vital for tight races in suburban districts.

Since being elected, the #MeToo movement has reshaped perceptions of acceptable male behavior in the media, show business and the workplace. Trump is one of the few public figures accused of harassment that was not shot. Trump has denied all charges against him.

So his decision to attack the #MeToo movement is a considerable risk – one that Warren acknowledged by quickly responding to his tweet, linking his remarks to the political storm on the separation of migrant families that crosses the border illegally South.

"Hey, @realDonaldTrump: While you're obsessed with my genes, your Admin does DNA testing on little kids because you snatched them from their moms and you're too incompetent to get them together in time for" Can -being you should focus on repairing the lives you are destroying, "she tweeted on Thursday.

Yet while Democrats believe that they have an overture, Trump is betting on his method. , the mantra invented by the first lady of the time, Michelle Obama, in 2016, "when they go low, we go high," did not prevent him from becoming president.

This n & # Perhaps not a coincidence #MeToo hit the day the White House announced the appointment of Bill Shine, who traveled with Trump to Montana as the deputy chief of staff for communications. Fox News senior executive position last year after have been accused of concealing a series of allegations of sexual harassment.

Trump's Classic Campaign

Trump's rally was a classic of demagoguery. hardball populism that has already been destined to Democrats in the state of red as Sense. Joe Manchin in West Virginia, Joe Donnelly in Indiana and Heidi Heitkamp in North Dakota. Claire McCaskill of Missouri and Bill Nelson of Florida are on the bridge

"Jon Tester can say one thing in Montana, he does exactly the opposite when he goes to Washington," said Trump at a rally at Great Falls,

The President accused the senator of voting with Liberals on the issues of abortion, immigration, abortion and tax reduction of Obamacare , grouping it with hate figures of the GOP as Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California, Senator Chuck Schumer of New York and Rep. Maxine Waters of California.

"You would not think that he would play very well here – how was he elected? You can right that wrong in November," Trump told his adoring crowd. Tester's campaign later noted that his opponent, Republican Matt Rosendale, is from the East Coast.

As usual, the president appeared with the local candidate and congratulated him. But the blitzkrieg of Trump's red state, early by mid-term election standards, is really all about him – as his calculated reference to the #MeToo movement has shown.

His appearances point to the unknowns that will decide whether Democrats can avoid major losses in a rude list of re-elections, probably the height of their hopes in the Senate, even though they have a good chance of taking over the House .

The first and most important question – a Trump often raises during his travels – – is that he can challenge historical omens and recreate a strong participation from his most loyal followers that would reflect his superb 2016 race and would help lift Republican candidates.

Such is its toxicity among Democrats and independents. Female voters who oppose him and beat the voters as well.

A related question is whether Trump can transfer his magnetic popularity and unshakeable connection. with its base to fewer charismatic and idiosyncratic GOP candidates. The presidents, from Ronald Reagan to Barack Obama – who by definition are usually the most talented and inspirational speakers of their parties – have often found that their reflected brilliance has a limited appeal in mid-term races.

The national profile may stifle democratic senators with strong local appeal and independent profiles like Tester, a farmer in the small village of Big Sandy in the north of the country who has his own populist brand, and West Virginia Manchin who has long been surfed the political waves that swept his state

While the rallies allow Trump to leave Washington and do what he likes most – improvise in front of a crowd and bask in the adulation of the election campaign – we do not know how important these summer events, apart from after the autumn campaign

"We are still at the beginning of July, the election is taking place in November, "said Jeremy Johnson, professor of political science at Carroll College of Helena. Montana.

"The effects will dissipate with time.A rally in October is probably more meaningful than any rally in July," said Johnson, though he noted that the "rally" in October is likely to be more significant than any other rally in July. Trump's appearance would certainly attract the enthusiasm of the fans that he is expected to present in November.

The Dilemma of the Red State Democrats

Rallies like this one on Thursday also present a November strategy that combines punctual problems like immigration, cuts of 39, taxes, the booming economy and attacks against kneeling players of the NFL with nostalgic reminiscences.

The tester and his colleagues like Donnelly and Heitkamp are well aware of the overlap that Democrat Senators in Conservative territory are facing, who face the enigma of voting with the majority opinion in their states or with their national party. . [19659002] While he truffles the battlefields of the Senate, Trump constantly tears this dilemma.

"He votes against everything, and he voted against our tax cuts." Trump told Manchin during a visit to West Virginia on April 5.

L & # 39; discomfort of the red state democrats torn between their own political interests and those of the national party was multiplied by the sudden detonation of a battle of the Supreme Court amidst a mid-election campaign. Mandate – and Trump does not lose his golden opportunity.

"If you tuned Monday at 9 am, I think you're going to be extremely happy," he said, teasing his crowd Thursday about his appointment announcement next week

Maeve Reston of CNN contributed to this article.

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