Trump's statements after meeting with Putin elicit outrage in the United States.


Donald Trump refused Monday to condemn Russia for meddling in the US presidential campaign at a summit in Helsinki with Vladimir Putin which provoked the Indignation in United States for the attitude of conciliation that he had with the Russian president. After a two-hour meeting, the two leaders showed their willingness to reorient relations between their countries.

The two leaders left their meeting in Helsink and expressed their desire to cooperate in the global challenges, after discussions on a series of issues ranging from Syria, Ukraine and China at the imposition of tariffs and the size of their nuclear arsenals. However, in Washington lawmakers do not hide their irritation at Trump's gesture of accepting Putin's words denying any interference by Russia in the 2016 presidential elections, as indicated by the US intelligence services.

Putin "just said that is not Russia I will say this:" I see no reason for that, "he said Trump implying that He had more confidence in the words of the Russian president than in the conclusions of his own services.In his return flight to United States the president was able to verify the consequences of his attitude towards Putin, which earned him criticism even in the ranks of his formation, the Republican Party .

Truit & # 39; s Tuit after meeting with Putin

"The Today's press conference in Helsinki is one of the most shameful representations of an American president who is remembered, "said the Republican senator John McCain Trump tried to calm the spirits. "I have HUGE confidence in my person "But I will say that President Putin was very firm and firm in his refusal," he said on Twitter from the plane in which he returned to the United States. "But to build a bright future, we can not focus exclusively on the past," he added.

"A sad day for the United States"

The American billionaire, in power for 18 months, has long shown intent to establish a personal relationship with Putin, a former KGB official who has been leading Russia since 2000 . This is in the midst of investigations by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller into the alleged links between the Kremlin and the presidential campaign that led Trump to the White House in 2016.

The President Must Understand that " Russia is not our ally " said the Republican leader in the US Congress, Paul Ryan . The leader of the Democratic Opposition in the Senate, Chuck Schumer accuses Trump of having "dangerous and weak" behavior during his meeting with Putin. Nancy Pelosi Democrat leader in the House of Representatives, spoke for her part of a " sad day for the United States ."

On the eve of the summit, the investigation into the Russian interference in favor of Trump in the 2016 campaign had a spectacular new episode with the accusation of 12 intelligence officers Russian accused of hacking computers from Democratic Party . "This inquiry is a catastrophe … which has had a negative impact on the relations of the first two nuclear powers in the world," he declared Trump at the joint press conference with Putin . "We have done an amazing campaign and that's why I'm president."

"Years of stupidity"

In an interview for the American channel Fox News Putin asked that the relations between his country and the United States are not "taken hostage" by the investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the elections. "I'm not a little interested in this issue," said Putin. "These are internal political games of the United States."

The Russian President therefore gave Trump the reason why, shortly before the summit, he had stated in a surprising tweet that the strained relations Washington and Moscow are due to "years of foolishness on the part of the United States " and " the witch hunt " of the FBI, which investigates the Russian influence in the US presidential elections. Eager to give a positive image of their meeting, the two leaders insisted on their desire to improve bilateral relations. "I think we started to understand each other better," he said. Putin "very successful and very useful", while Trump emphasized a dialogue "direct, open and very productive". Referring to rumors about the existence of compromising material against Trump in Moscow Putin said: "It would be difficult to imagine greater absurdity!"

Before the many diplomats and analysts feared that the US president would make a series of concessions to Putin on issues such as the war in Syria or the annexation of the Crimed by Russia. But the two men did not disclose a lot of details about the content of their conversations.


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