United Kingdom | Police reveal where Novichok agent who poisoned the couple was found | Trade | World | News


United Kingdom police reported on Friday that the substance known as Novichok with which a couple was poisoned June 30 at Amesbury (England), came from a small boat found in the house of one of the victims.

Dawn Sturgess, 44, died on July 8th as a result of poisoning, while her partner, Charlie Rowley, 45, continues to hospitalize in a serious condition.

In a statement, police said that on Wednesday, July 11, he found "a small bottle during Charlie Rowley's house searches in Amesbury", Defense Laboratory, Science and Technology in Porton Down, Wiltshire (England) to perform the corresponding analyzes.

"After the tests, the scientists confirmed that the substance contained in the bottle is Novichok or more scientific evidence to try to determine if it is from the same batch that contaminated Sergei and Yulia Skripal in March" , said the authorities, who are working on this line of investigation.

According to the note, police investigations are centered now, to determine "where the bottle comes from and how it got into Charlie's house."

As the police had already advanced, the two British drunk had to come into contact with a high dose of the Novichok neurological agent.

The search for the ship was made by Scotland Yard anti-terrorist department officers and the bottle would be the starting point of the couple's poisoning, four months after the attack of the former double spy Russian Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in the English city of Salisbury

The British government blamed Russia for this attack and the British Interior Minister, Sajid Javid, asked for explanations for this country. After intoxication of the two British

Overall, Javid assured that "there is no project" to push for new sanctions against Russia, while the Kremlin denies everything link with the event.

Source: EFE

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