United States | Charges laid against a woman who climbed the Statue of Liberty in protest against Donald Trump | New York | Trade | World | USA


The charge for the southern district of New York on Thursday announced charges against the woman who climbed the Statue of Liberty this July 4th, National Day in United States to protest President Donald Trump's immigration policy .

Identified as Thérèse Patricia Okoumou, a 44-year-old Congolese immigrant, the woman was arrested after spending four hours on the "feet" of the statue and accused of illegally entering a federal place, having a disorderly conduct and interfere with the functions of a government agency.

In a statement, the prosecution announced the three counts against Okoumou, each with a maximum sentence of six months in jail, for "resisting the orders to go down, causing the evacuation "of the island where the monument is" and represent a substantial danger "for agents.

Okoumou, who emigrated from his country in 1994 and resides In New York he pleaded not guilty to all three counts in a federal court in Manhattan and told local media that his inspiration was the ex-first lady Michelle Obama

"(She) said When they arrive, we'll go upstairs, and I'll go as high as I can," he said, quoted by ABC 7.

Federal Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said that the woman "alarmed the public and put in"

"Although we must respect, and we do, the rights of peoples to a peaceful demonstration, this right does not extend to the violation of the law "and endangers the others. , affirmed.

In the same note, the chief of police in charge of parks in the United States Pamela Smith, believed that the incident "had caused the interruption of thousands of visitors one. More busy days of the year "at the Statue of Liberty.

Okoumou was yesterday with a group of forty manife The Rise and Resist organization, which had deployed a banner at the base of the monument for call for the "abolition" of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), to protest against the president's "zero tolerance" policy Trump .

About 15:00 At the local time, the woman climbed the base of the statue to reach 30 meters in height and, according to sources from security agencies consulted by the NBC network, warned that she would not fall voluntarily up to 30 meters. That they release "all children" who

"Your decision to climb to the statue was "independently" and without "consulting" the other members, explained in a statement criticized the group, that despite "understand and share" their claim, He said that he "hoped" that his legal defense would accept the to release under his "own recognition" the facts.

In the early morning, Rise and Resist acknowledged that with these words he had "unintentionally" led them to believe that they were distancing themselves from the protester, according to local media reports, he's been part of the group since about five months and participates every week in his actions.

The group expressed its "unequivocal support" for Okoumou and stressed the concern for her safety, in case she fell and "like a woman of color about to be approached by the authorities" as well as to find "the best" legal defense for her.

Okoumo's photographs, dressed in an anti-Trump shirt and sitting at the base of the cross-legged statue, have become viral in social networks, where his name is on the list of " trendy topics "because of the admiration messages.

He received support from the Black Lives Matter movement who, with Rise and Resist encouraged him to apply for release and also attend his court appearance or provide money for a possible bail.

According to the "Daily News", the woman was arrested last year in another demonstration, filed several lawsuits for racial discrimination and was fined for publishing numerous commercials to offer his professional services as a personal coach.

Source: EFE

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