United States, Commercial War, China | Economy


For "security reasons", the China Mobile telephone company will not be able to provide services in the United States. The company was 7 years waiting for the authorization to enter the US market

YOU CAN SEE The trade war could generate an increase in the exchange rate and the price of goods. inflation

The recommendation to prohibit access to the country's largest telephone company. The Asian country was made by the US Department of Commerce . "After an important relationship with China Mobile, concerns over risks above public policy and national security interests in the United States could not be resolved," said the undersecretary David Redl Trade

. instructions to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the entity regulator to reject China Mobile's request to provide a telephone service between the United States and other countries.

For its part, the Chinese government accused the United States of acting with the Cold War mentality: "They should not repress Chinese enterprises in this way", Spokesperson for the Foreign Office said:

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