University of Sports: Alberto Quintero already has a date back to the courts | decentralized


Alberto Quintero will return to Peru this weekend after missing the World Cup with Panama due to an injury. The winger will still have considerable time before returning to the courts, but he will no longer need an operation and this could accelerate his return to the starting team of University of Deportes .

The communications manager of Universitario de Deportes Carlos Univazo, argued that the return of the important cream player is expected for the first week of September.

Nicolás Córdova: the coach who watches the 2018 World Cup in Russia to better know his players? "The Panamanian Alberto Quintero arrives in Lima this Sunday, and the fracture of the second metatarsal will not require surgery, since the bone is soldered alone, which shortens the recovery, and September must be ready," writes Univazo on Twitter . ,

The end of the cream was injured in June during a friendly match between Panama and Norway and this forced him to miss the first World Cup in Panama.

"The University of Sports can reverse their situation," said Jersson Vásquez [VIDEO]

University Sports is having a tough time in the league and needs when before his big figure to start floating. When the tournament resumes, the creams will also start as a technician: that is the Chilean Nicolás Cordova.

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