University of Sports vs. Sport Rosario: Carlos Beltrán was suspended for the match? [VIDEO] | Photo 1 of 3 | decentralized


Sport Rosario scored 3-0 at Universitario de Deportes but the match was not there. A controversy has been generated in social networks. It happens that the defender Carlos Beltrán who started the road to victory, is on the list of players suspended for this date 9 of the Tournament Apertura.

The report of the Justice Commission of the FPF, which can be seen on the website of the Association, indicates that the defender has been disabled by the accumulation of yellow cards.

Carlos Beltrán said at the end of the match that he had left the concentration last night when he heard the information. However, he was ordered to come back because there was an error. "They called me at midnight to tell me to come back and that I was going to play because they were confused," he told Gol Perú.

In dialogue with Depor, Huaracino's sports director Emanuel Espinoza confirmed what the player said. He explained that the CJ himself informed the institution of the editorial mistake and that Beltrán was authorized.

"By a material error and involuntary typing and snack information was recorded the suspension of the player Beltrán Neroni, which was completed on the date 7 and the official match postponed the date 3", according to the press release.

Of course, the correction of the report of sanctions does not appear on the site of the ADFP which generated the debate between partisans.

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Andrés Mendoza: "Christian Cueva must feel calm, just like me" [VIDEO]

  Andrés Mendoza s & # 39, talks with Depor about Christian Cueva

Andrés Mendoza talks with Depor by Christian Cueva

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