Uribe's letter of resignation did not reach the Senate | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


The Senate of the Republic waited Wednesday for the letter of resignation of the head of the Democratic Center, Álvaro Uribe Vélez, who only spoke in a wide public statement of 18 points on his judicial situation. And even if the resignation occurs in the rest of the week, it can only be discussed until next Tuesday, when the Senate will meet again.

And there are several reasons why the resignation was not passed on to Congress. The first would be a health reason because the exmandatario enjoys a medical permit for a month, this because he has a fractured rib by an accident when a mare falls on his farm in Rionegro, Antioquia.

The second reason would be that inside his party insist that he stay at his seat as a senator, because his advice will be key, more because the government of Ivan Duque will only start on August 7th.

A third reason would be the political strategy with which is faced the controversy that the announcement of Tuesday has generated. Perhaps for this reason, a few minutes after the adjournment of the session in the Senate, Uribe issued the new communication in which he was referring to the Supreme Court's appeal.

In his statement in 18 points, Uribe Vélez makes a judicial explanation of what he believes to have been all this process, where he claims that he will go to the Supreme Court to extend this evidence that he is not guilty. he has what qualifies a montage against him and other members of his party.

He argues that when he was informed the Supreme Court on the certification of copies for the manipulation of witnesses, asked the citizens to inform him of the cases that they knew of the handling of witnesses against him.

"Magistrates are wrong when they say that I asked Juan Carlos Sierra (El Tuso) to change the version." MP Roque Arismendi said that his associates had told him that Mr. Sierra had said that during his imprisonment in the United States, people had visited him, names that I had given to the Court and offered him benefits in return for accusing me. I knew, I sent a letter to the court to be heard.I also asked this statement through the intermediary of those who brought me information and d & # 39; A lawyer, "he says in one of the points of his statement.

Uribe also expresses how he was informed of false information against him. "I was in the countryside in Pacho, Cundinamarca, Mr. Hamilton Mosquera approached me, he showed himself demobilized, he expressed that he wanted to convey information about the people who I made offers to accuse me, I sent him to the vehicle and in the presence of the driver and Colonel Gustavo Rodríguez, my chief of security, told me the facts, my only response was to ask him to testify in the Supreme Court, I immediately informed the Court and later my lawyer contacted Mr. Hamilton. "

In this regard, he says that" the respondents Elmo José Mármol, Jiovanny Alberto Cadavid and Máximo Cuesta Valencia, were contacted by my lawyer. "

The ex-president also said that" Mrs. Vicky Jaramillo told me that the witness Juán Guillermo Monsalve was repentant, that he wanted to correct the falsities against me, that she knew by Intermediate by Ricard o Williamson, brother-in-law of the prisoner Enríque Pardo. I told Vicky to tell the lawyer who made contact with Mr. Monsalve. He told me that he was asking for legal advice and security, which I reacted with the indication that he did it publicly and in front of the courtyard. "

The former president also states that" Mr. Monsalve tried to involve other people in the same trap, among them doctors Jaime Lombana, Ernesto Macias, Paloma Valencia, a deputy from Huila and Álvaro Hernán Prada. Doctors Ernesto Macías, Paloma Valencia and a deputy from Huila did not fall into the trap either. "

Finally, Uribe Vélez states in his public statement:" I am surprised that the magistrates are not interested in knowing and appreciating this version, and that they are phoning me for questioning because of the manipulation of the witnesses and procedural fraud. And that the media and political pressure be imposed and that justice be administered by leaks to political stakeholders. "


At the end of the afternoon and after the adjournment of the plenary, the Speaker of the Senate, Ernesto Macías, indicated that the letter had not arrived "Our caucus asked former president Uribe to reconsider his decision announced yesterday, we are meeting today in caucus and there are concerns in this regard, insisting that we should not resign, " said Macias, who reiterated that the medical disability goes up to August 3 and pointed out that he attended to take possession last Friday, which has generated new health problems.

Macías also believes that he resigns Urib e, not only the Democratic Center bench will be needed, but the company "He was a senator who participates in all projects, in the debates of political control, he is a person the Congress needs. Let's give time time, "he said


But not only were there voices of Uribismo so that the ex-president would not not leave the Senate, but also. Very quickly, Senator Gustavo Petro said: "I joined the Democratic Center and I ask Alvaro Uribe not to give up the Senate and to respect the Supreme Court of Justice. I ask the Senate not to accept the resignation of Senator Uribe. He who does not fear anything, he who pays.

For his part, Senator Farc Pablo Catatumbo asked Uribe to better submit to the Special Justice of the Peace, JEP. In a Twitter message addressed to Uribe, he says that "we are already in our second Senate plenary: a space for political debate that is enriched by the diversity of positions.Here his voice is needed Senator Álvaro Uribe; it is about bringing justice, the truth to the victims and reconciliation, the PEC is the scenario. "

Faced with this proposal by the FARC, President Macias said:" My God, s & rsquo; They were brought to justice, criminals against humanity. "

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