US: Donald Trump "threatens" to invade Venezuela, according to an official | United States | Nicolás Maduro | McMaster | World


At a private meeting at the Oval Office last August, the president of United States Donald Trump, proposed the idea of ​​"invading" Venezuela because that he was threatening regional security surprising everyone present.

Among them were the Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson and the National Security Advisor, General HR McMaster members who no longer form the US Executive

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The story of everything that happened during this meeting was on the part of a senior official who had previously heard this type but who preferred to declare Anonymity due to the sensitivity of the situation

As explained by the official, McMaster and other members put the cards on the table and present all the negative consequences to Trump s' he decides to invade Venezuela

One of the strongest reasons was that Washington would lose all support from Latin American governments, ties that took Too much work to put them in place to punish President Nicolás Maduro because of the dictatorship that he imposes Venezuela

However, the President of the United States has solved this problem, arguing that it is not necessary. 39; was not necessary to order l & # 39; development of military plans, which could be to use previous successes such as the invasion of Panama and Granada in the 1980s.

The source also confessed that even though Donald Trump's advisers tried to get rid of their idea of ​​invading Venezuela he again raised it on two other occasions Latino rulers Americans .

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