US funds violent groups seeking Ortega


.N .- The United States provides financial support to violent groups in Nicaragua, a vandalism scene whose goal is to end the mandate of Daniel Ortega, Hispantv reviewed.

An American journalist, Max Blumenthal, discovered that the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), created jointly by Republicans and Democrats, and funded largely by the US Congress, funded groups Opposition and alleged organizations Nicaraguan civilians.

"The NED has stated bluntly that organizations backed by it have spent years and millions of dollars preparing for the insurgency in Nicaragua," said the journalist, citing an article by the site Project Information Grayzone

The article claims that the NED, the US government's regime change arm, "has $ 4.1 million in the country since 2014," for 54 groups .

On Monday, "self-convened" citizens of Nicaragua and various civilian organizations demanded the immediate resignation of Daniel Ortega and his wife and vice-president, Rosario Murillo, ] in addition to the installation of a transition board, to overcome the crisis that left about 300 dead.

The autoconvocados are a national movement of students and professionals, without visible leaders or defined structure, who is the protagonist of the protests against the government.

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