US threats are "typical bullying"


China accuses the United States of intimidation and warns that it would retaliate after the intensification of the trade dispute by the Donald Trump government, threatening tariffs of 10% to 200 billion US dollars of Chinese products.

China's Ministry of Commerce today declared that it was "impacted" and that it would file a complaint with the World Trade Organization but would not complain about it. did not immediately indicate what retaliation he would take. In a statement, he called the US shares "unacceptable".

The Chinese Foreign Ministry described Washington's threats as "the typical attack" and said that China had to counter-attack to protect It is about 39, a struggle between unilateralism and multilateralism, protectionism and free trade, power and rules, "said Hua Chunying, spokesman for the Foreign Ministry.

Beijing said that would respond to Washington's rising tariff actions even with "qualitative measures," a threat that US companies in China fear would mean more rigorous inspections for delays in approving investments and the Wall Street Journal, which quoted unidentified Chinese officials, said that Beijing was considering a measure that include the suspension of US business licenses, the delay of the approval of s mergers of US companies and the intensification of border inspections of products.

Beijing could also limit Chinese tourism in the United States Iris Pang, China's economist at ING in Hong Kong, reports about $ 115 billion a year.

The $ 200 billion far exceeds the total value of goods imported by China from the United States. Beijing may need creative ways to respond to US measures

US authorities on Tuesday released a list of thousands of Chinese imports to which the Trump government wants to apply new tariffs, and which include hundreds of food products, tobacco, chemicals, coal, steel and aluminum, which have been criticized by US trade associations. [19659003] Washington imposed a 34% tariff on Chinese exports last week, and Beijing responded with the same amount of privileges for shipments from the United States.

Investors fear an escalation of the trade war between China and the United States can affect global growth and undermine confidence.

The MSCI index of Asia and Pacific ex-Japan shares fell 1.12% on Wednesday, while major Hong Kong indices and shortly after falling more than 2%.


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